I’ve been thinking about brewing a beer like this for a while. I now feel I’m confident enough with my sanitization (thank you iodophor) to introduce Brett B. into my brewery. I’m Probably being overly cautious waiting this long to use Brett, but I’m paranoid, but don’t mind me. Cultured up the dregs of a bottle of Orval today, going to slowly step it into a normal-sized starter over the week. Brew day is scheduled for Saturday, with a backup on Sunday in case I have to work.
I’ve long had a plan to brew an Orval-esque beer utilizing a Saison yeast. I made a blend of my recent Saison with the Orval I used to start my culture, and I like how the pale malty saison and the Orval worked together. My wife found some puffed gamut cereal (single ingredient) that I’d like to use as well.
After looking at several different Orval clone recipes, here’s my planned grist:
Target OG: 1.060
5.5 gallon batch
40% Dingemann’s Belgian Pilsner Malt
25% Briess Pale Ale malt
20% Weyermann Dark Munich malt
15% Torrified (puffed) Kamut
I figure the brett will dry the beer out nicely, so I’ll mash at 150o for 90 minutes. Same relative process as my last saison, just a slightly higher temp.
For hops, I’m aiming a bit high as I intend to age this beer for a long time, 1 year or more, to allow the brett to really develop. Will higher IBU levels impact the Brett?
Target 40 IBU
60 minutes:
20 IBU Hallertau Mittelfrueh
5 minutes:
Might dry hop with Saaz or EKG, for grins.
1L starter of Orval dregs, fermented out, chilled, and decanted.
1L shaken not stirred starter of Wyeast 3724
Ferment in a 6.5 gallon carboy with Fermcap S to avoid using any sort of blowoff tube. Use foil over the mouth of the carboy until the initial krausen starts to dissipate, then switch to an airlock. I’ll chill to the mid/upper 60’s, then let the beer free rise in temp for the first few days. Once the airlock goes on I’ll start ramping up tempts a degree or two a day, probably till 80ish degrees. My understanding is that the brett will enjoy the heat as well.
My concerns are the higher IBU levels messing with the brett, and the pilsner malt/pale ale mast not being enough to convert the Veinna malt/torrified wheat. Not being that familiar with brett, I might bulk age the beer for a few months in secondary. (I’ve got 5 gallon glass carboys) I don’t want to risk bottle bombs, and I really have no idea how much the brett will attenuate things. I’m also concerned with the brett getting too funky/weird with the elevated temps.