Anyone know a good program i can get on my phone or computer to allow me to formulate beer and mead recipes? I tried beer smith for mobile and did not like it. a free program would be preferred but I’m not apposed to paying a few bucks for a good one. thanks.
Have not tried any mobile apps. I use bs2 on my laptop and have it by my side every brew day. No complaints except it’s not mobile . I know this doesn’t answer your question, but it’s how I roll. Take my laptop to work or wherever and I can open up the app and play around with whatever is next on the docket
Check out BrewR it’s a simple brewing app to formulate recipes. It doesn’t do anything else, if that’s what you are looking for. It is just recipe formulation, very handy to play around on when ideas strike.
The beersmith mobile app could use some UI love (clunky) but I use it consistently. Like you, I had trouble using it to begin with but I muscled through it b/c it has so many valuable features. Still trying to swing a personal laptop so I can use the desktop version.
Have you looked at Keg Ninja? It’s 100% web based iirc. I’ve only toyed around with it but it may be able to accomplish much of what you’re looking for.
I agree - desktop BS2 is great, but the mobile app has limited capabilities. It’s fine for carrying around a number of recipes (e.g., handy at brew club meetings when someone asks for recipe details) and as a convenient reference guide for styles and ingredients. It also has some nice timers, tools and converters (that I honestly don’t really use). I do wish it had a way to carry my shopping list for me from the desktop version to my homebrew store - I have to print it out now (how 1980’s!).
I don’t miss not being able to formulate or adjust recipes on the mobile version. I would rarely have any need for that, and I’d much rather do it on a full screen and keyboard over my phone anyway.
All things considered, the BeerSmith combo is the best commercial product(s) I’ve found. YMMV