Brewing Apps?

Looking for an all in one brewing app for my iPad.  Any recommendations?  I thought about these: Ibrewmaster, BeerSmith and BeerAlchemy.  Any suggestion, comments, etc.

I would also consider brewing software for my laptop.  The iPad is a little more handy, but really looking for something to help my brewing sessions.

Beer alchemy or Brewers friend

I use beersmith  and like it a lot. I only have it on lap top so far, did not pay for mobile upgrade. I have trial of pro mash on laptop  as well but after beersmith, it does not seem as user friendly. I know it’s well loved, but I found it tougher to find my way through it in comparison. It just did not seem as user friendly, seemed to require a longer learning curve than beersmith. Just my opinion, as I know others swear by it, or at least did while it was regularly uodated

Beersmith here.  Love it.

I use Beersmith but question some of the calculations. It’s a good point of reference.

I run into the same thing with Beersmith where the calcs don’t work out like they are supposed to.  I think it is a great starting point and as long as you keep detailed notes you can adjust for the differences.

Brewer’s Friend is a fantastic web-based brewing suite. If you’re looking for something that you can use from multiple devices, that’s where I’d start. It’s nice to sketch out a recipe on my work computer, pull up the ingredient list on my phone at the LHBS, calculate my mash temps on my laptop, then log my brew day on my tablet.

I use the BeerSmith app on my phone. Set up an account with and you get cloud storage at no charge with room for up to 10 recipes. The app is a little clunky for building recipes, but for modifying them on the fly, referencing, and the integrated tools - it still comes in really handy on brew day. Also, the cloud storage is useful for shopping at LHBS or for altering a recipe for what’s/what’s not in stock.

I have brewers friend but I always seem to forget to use it. I just use my timer and save paper copies of my recipes.

Brewers friend seems pretty comprehensive and I have the free version. Just forget to use it.

I have been meaning to switch over to Brewer’s Friend. The workflow is a little more involved than I like, but overall the program seems solid. I especially like that I can work on it from near any device. Someday I will move over, but I have to decide if I want to spend the time moving all of my recipes (not that big of a deal with BeerXML), and batches over (complete PIA).

I have been researching a little more and I feel it’s between Brewer’s Friend and BeerSmith.  I may be looking at something wrong but does Brewer’s Friend require a yearly fee?  Thanks for all the responses and please keep them coming.


Same here. Love my BeerSmith!

There was another post somewhere in this forum recently about what was the one thing/purchase that made the most impact on your brewing. I didn’t respond, but if I did, my answer would have been BeerSmith software.

There is a free version and a paid version of Brewers Friend. I have the paid version, also there is a newer online free service called MyBrewCo, have not had a lot of time to play with that yet

You can save 2 recipes as a free trial. Paid version is $9.99/yr IIRC

I’ve just released a new app for iOS! It’s called Brewer! and it helps the management and creation of beer recipes.

Check it out and let me know your feedbacks.