Ok, my next attempt is going to be today. My recipe is as follows:
5# Pale Malt (Recipe calls for Marris Otter)
3# Vienna Malt
2# Munich malt
1/2# Crystal 20L
1/2# Crystal 60L
Hops are simple, all Cascade full cone
1 ounce at 60
3/4 ounce at 30
1 ounce at 10
1/2 ounce at 5
1/2 ounce at flameout
1 ounce dry hop, will probably wait until fermentation is done and then add them for about 3 or 4 days
Yeast is WLP001 and made a starter of 100g of DME to I litre of water. Boiled for 5 mins and in a 5 gallon jug when down to 70 degrees. Shook the heck out of it, then added the yeast and covered. Shook it a few times last night and it is sitting on the counter now waiting for later today.
Mash will be at 154 or so for 60 mins. I am going to try and move my burner into the garage to see if I can get a bit better temp control. Looks like the wind is going to pick up a bit today, so it might be tougher to keep the burner going and keep the temp close outside. About 4 3/4 gallons of water to mash in, then about 3 gallons of sparge water. I am going to split that in half I think, and do the dunk in sparge that I read about. Put the grain bag in a pot with the heated water and stir and try and extract as much as I can that way. Seems the way I have been sparging isn’t quite working.
60 minute boil, cool to about 70 degrees, aerate as best I can and pitch the starter. According to the recipe sheet I have, the fermenting will be at about 62 degrees for two weeks.
My hope is that I can get an OG of about 1.054, FG of 1.012 with an ABV somewhere around 5.5%. Brewfather has the IBU’s at about 46, which will be a lower IBU for me, but what the heck. I saw the recipe on another forum and thought I would give it a go. I have not used Marris Otter before, so that should be fun. Anyway, I won’t be starting for a bit, so any comments would be welcomed. But, since I already bought all the stuff, it is unlikely I will be changing anything other than maybe having a packet of BRY97 yeast that I can sub for the WLP001 if that makes it better. Wish me luck. RR