Summertime Wheat IPA Brew Day!!

Well I brewed my Summertime Wheat IPA on Thursday.  Here is the recipe for those who did not see it in my other thread:

6LBS Briess Bavarian Wheat DME
1LB Briess Extra Pale DME
8OZ Caravienne Malt
4OZ Gambrinus Honey Malt

60 mins 2.5 OZ Amarillo 
boil 60 mins 0.25 OZ Citra 
boil 15 mins 1.5  OZ Amarillo 
boil 15 mins 0.25 OZ Citra 
boil 5 mins  1.5 OZ Amarillo 
boil 5 mins 0.25 Citra 
boil 1 min 1.5 OZ Amarillo
boil 1 min 0.25 OZ Citra 
dry hop 8 days 1.5 Amarillo

Whirlfloc at 5 Minutes
IBU’s: 86.5

The estimated OG was 1.065 but mine was 1.070 so a little bit higher than expected.  This may have been a result of my 37 Minute steep as my stove is pretty horrible.  Either way I think it will come out great.  I pitched one smack pack of Wyeast American Ale II at 66 degrees.  I know I should have used a started but I did not have any malt extract.  The pack was fully expanded when I opened it up and I had a nice healthy Krausen at 40 hours.  The temperature strip on the fermenter reads right around 63 degrees so I may try and bring it down a little bit but I am happy with where it is now.  I tried the wort that I pulled to test the alcohol and it had a nice bitterness to it.  I am really excited to try out the final product!! Next thursday is my Pliny The Elder Clone!!

I think you should have made a starter with that smack-pack. But no worries! I’m sure the beer will rock.

This beer recipe seems tempting to make. I’m thinking of making an all grain version of this.  When it’s cold and carbonated, it would be appreciated if you can post your thoughts on the beer.

I wish I had made a starter but I did not have any extra fermentables to do so.  My next big order is going to be a starter kit and a wort chiller so I will have the means to do a starter next time.  Is that why it took a little bit longer to get rocking?

Most likely.

Don’t some people underpitch when doing wheat beers to achieve desired results?

Yeah, the Wyeast descriptions for some of their Belgian and Wheat strains do mention that underpitching can enhance ester production. The thing is, a lot of that can also be managed through fermentation temperature adjustment, which is a bit easier to control to give consistent results.

I was just trying to put a little positive spin on my under pitching…  It is still bubbling away nicely and has a nice Krausen.  The temperature strip on my fermenter is between 62 and 65.

It’s not ruined. Just that if you are going to do the up most to produce a stellar beer you shouldn’t shave that little step. Or you could have pitched 2 or 3 smack packs.

I think I am just going to use dry yeast until I get more sophisticated with my brewing process.  Dry yeast has worked well for me.

Me too and it suits my spontaneous brewing habits. You might have gotten by with one dry pack but 2 would have been optimal.

I tend to focus on one type of yeast until I get bored with it. Then I move on. If it is from a vial or smack pack it is always a good idea to make a starter unless you have a lot of it from a fresh low gravity slurry. Even then it would be better to feed and wake it up a bit before pitching.

Even better is to pitch actively fermenting wort from another fermenter. I think it produces a superior beer.

Looks like a nice recipe.  I am thinking of doing an American Wheat next maybe with Apricots, maybe as an IPA, I am not sure yet.  I used US-05 in my last pale ale and it came out fantastic.  I usually use 1056 but didn’t have the time to do a starter.

So I just checked my FG and it is right around where I want it at 1.017.  I will probably be transferring it to a secondary tomorrow so I can free up my primary fermenter for Pliny.  Tomorrow is going to be a big day.  Bottling my Citra IPA and German Red Kolsch Ale.  I gave it a little taste test and it is tasting great so far!!  Can’t wait to get this dry hopped and into bottles!!

Just took another sample to be sure that I am all good and the gravity is holding strong at 1.016.  I gave it a taste test and it is AMAZING.  For sure my favorite beer to date and it still needs to be dry hopped and carbonated.  I will be transferring to a secondary tomorrow for dry hopping and then I will probably keep it in there for a week and a half (How long would you guys keep it in there?) and then bottle.  Can’t wait for this one to be drinkable!!

Looks tasty, thanks for the link man!

Too bad I don’t have any citra or amarillo laying around today, I’m bored…

You might want to consider getting yourself a second primary fermenter.  You could totally avoid the need to transfer to secondary that way.

I actually just got one in the mail. I guess I would really need three. I don’t mind the extra sanitizer and the chance of oxidation as I drink the beer pretty quickly

Just bottled this. Got a fg of 1.017. Tastes great. I got 24 twelve oz bottles and 5 twenty-two oz bottles. I just got a refractometer for my birthday do super psyched!!

You may already know this, but FG readings with a refractometer need to be adjusted using this web site Refractometer Calculator «

Yep, I figured this out when I read that my FG was 1.040 so I got BeerSmith which has a converter built right into it.  Great birthday present!!