Man, that is the ultimate in being “one” with the universe: using nature’s ingredients to create tasty food/drink, communing with the plants and animals, and being ready to ride with the ground at your feet and the wind in your face. You live a charmed life.
I’ve had early morning visits from racoons, opossums and way too many ground squirrels (the locals call them squinnies, I call them targets) but no deer so far.
They are probably still upset that I caged in the raspberries this year.
I dump mine in a pile out in front of my house. We have an 8 point stag, 2 does and 3 fawns that wander through several times a day. They show up within 5 min. of when I dump the grain.
I had a younger one walk right into the garage while brewing last year. Didn’t hear her step up - scared the hell out of me. She now has a couple of fawns. They like to browse my malt compost and sip from the little stream nearby.
I think this one had a fawn or two hidden in the wheat. She went over to the bird seed area and picked through it till the dogs saw her. Then she roamed around till dark, probably looking for babies.