I thought it was pretty good. I will watch it again. The mash tun hot tub was hilarious I thought! As avid brewer’s we are on this board, we should realize that this ain’t a show that is gonna teach us a whole lot about our process. Otherwise we would be the only ones watching! It is great for the masses. Even if it brings everyone to at least try a DFH or other craft brew then Sam did us all a big favor I think.
EDIT: Ha! That post made me an assistant brewer! How about that!
I recorded it. Will watch it again tonight. I don’t know the man or had his beer. Sigh. Will have to try some I guess.
Appears to me he’s set himself up with a good team and staff. But that’s what one has to do. Lot of pressure brewing over thirty different types of beer each week.
This seemed to be the online consensus prior to the show being aired but I disagree with it. His personality and non-standard approach to brewing made the show something that a non-beer geek would enjoy watching. I’d say most pro brewers I’ve met would have trouble appealing to a more mainstream audience, Sam was the right mix. Factually the show was better than anything else I’ve seen on TV regarding brewing.
I say Up. While Sam may be over the top at times, personally didn’t need his rap, he is character and that can only help the craft brew industry. With 95% of the country still drinking BMC, the industry needs a lightning rod and Sam put himself out there. Gotta admit, he is a great marketer and a shrewd businessman.
I also have an urge to track down some Bitches Brew.
Up and up again. Dogfish Head is the beer that was responsible for educating me that there is more out there than Bud, Miller and Coors. Keep it up Sam!!!
(I can even deal with the “rap” if it can help educate the masses!)
I dunno - old stuff or not, the rapping made me laugh. I like when a person is able to laugh at himself, and to do so in front of the Sony Exec certainly made Sam seem more down to earth to me.
I liked it. Its geared for a general audience, so an experienced brewer would think its information is underwhelming. I agree that Sam is somewhat over the top, but you need to be that way in order to keep the audience’s attention.
Good work and I think that it will aid in furthering the general public’s understanding and appreciation of craft beer.
I’m gonna keep watching it… Sam does come off full of himself (kinda reminds me of the Smiling Bob commercial ) but hey I bet he is a riot in person too. Come on… could you talk somebody into drinking a glass of beer you told them was made with spit? ;D
I kinda liked it,. but it felt too much like an hour long infomercial for DFH. If each show features a different brewery, then I have no problem with Sam going first, but if the whole series is DFH, then 2 thumbs down.