Brewday bummer

Just had some crap luck on my brewday. I brewed a doppelbock today. Everything was going great - hit all my temps and gravity readings within a point. I was planning on pitching on the yeast cake from a Dunkel I brewed recently. I was looking forward to getting the Dunkel kegged as well, since the pre-lagering sample I took tasted fantastic.

Unfortunately, when I cracked the lid on the Dunkel I got hit with a pretty strong sour aroma. The beer has a thin, shiny skin on top. It is undoubtedly contaminated :frowning: It’s been a hectic winter/spring, and I’ve definitely taken my chances and rushed through some cleaning/sanitization. Of course it has to catch up to me at the most inopportune time - with a big lager ready to pitch on the yeast.

Thankfully, I had a pack of 34/70 in the fridge. It’s a bit less than I’d like to pitch in this beer, but not such a drastic underpitch that I’m worried about it.

On the bright side, I have an extra keg open now. The best plan of action is to get back on the horse and brew something easy. Looks like I’ll be brewing some IPA soon…

Bummer man. :frowning:

I had a recent infection on a batch split between fermenters. One half was one of the best beers ytd and the other was awful. Turbid- the brew tasted like meat almost. Or rubberized broccoli. :-\ Monitoring this half up to racking time revealed that it was obviously still working despite reaching expected FG. Regardless, I kegged it. And it didn’t condition out. The solution was to spike my glass with limeade to make the beer palatable and managed to finish it off last week.

I also suspect rushing the sanitation process.

It’s a good idea to keep backup yeast for emergencies!

I recently ended up with a slightly infected porter.  I told people it was a Belgian smoked porter and everybody loved it!

The smell seems distinctly lactic. I’ll have to chance a taste, maybe I can pass it off as an Oud Bruin…

If the flavor is ok why not stun it with some campden tablets? Might salvage it to some degree in order to drink it up.

+1 to Oud Bruin (or similar).