If you have nothing to do, this end of the world, watch me brew.
Watching you set up man. Dude those are some white-ass legs!
Yeah, Iknow they are.
All I see is some guy walking around his backyard in a dress.
hmmmm… just tuned in at 53 minutes and not a weaze in sight. just a cooler on a stand, and a brew pot in the background. boring.
It took me a minute to realize that the bird feeder isn’t on top of your cooler.
Looks like a great day for brewing, Weaze! Bottling day for me today. Rock the kilt!
When I tuned in earlier you were crushing your grain. Don’t you have a drill to drive that grain mill?
I had a real nice 1/2 drill. Never made it here from Ohio. 3.30 Mountain time, I have about 20 mins in the mash. Heating my mashout water now, to be followed by the sparge water. Tune in soon for vorlauf!!
Are you wearing a bike chain?
Nope. Just my usual SS chain.
Whatcha drinking there?
All I’m gonna say is the lable told me it was cold enough to drink :-[
The label told you? You been hanging out with Denny?
Cool vid weaze! You’re being watch from da Big Island. Think I’ll wander by in a couple of weeks for a pint and a growler. What’d you say your schedule was again?
I’ll be home from Ohio on the 12th, and kegging this batch that day. No worries if I’m out when you show up. Just come in and fill your growler. Every one else does. :
For anyone watching, that’s 10 gal of 1048 wort, at 62*, ready to pitch.
Had to tune out and go to my son’s graduation. The numbers sound good weaze!
Thanks for showing and sharing. Very cool 21st Century kine stuffs!
No problem. It really was a lot of fun to do. And, belive it or not, I actually had 10’s of viewers. Close to 40 I think. I think I am going to do that with all my brew sessions from now. I really enjoyed it.
Hook a brother up, and become a “follower”, will ya?