brewers best russian imperial stout

I am just starting out at this. For my third brew I tried the brewers best russian imperial stout kit. The OG was higher that the specs at 1.088. I kegged  this evening and the FG was 1.028 spec was 1.017 to 1.020. I waited two and a half weeks and no activity at all for 5 days. Is it normal for this kind of variance form the kit specs. I did taste the brew from the thief and it was very good can’t wait for it to carb up.

Was this an extract kit?  Dark extracts can have a lot of unfermentables in them.

If you want to be patient, give it another week or so.  Swirl the fermenter gently to rouse the yeast and warm it up a bit.  You may get a little more attenuation.

Also, if you did a partial boil and added water to top off, it’s likely you didn’t get an accurate OG measurement.

This is true.  After years of frustration, I determined the best way for a partial boil OG is to take the measurement prior to topping up and then add the amount of water you need to get to your target gravity.

Or calculate it based on volume and recipe

Sure, if it’s 100% extract.  Partial mash would be hard to be certain without a measurement.

Thank you guys.

It was an extract kit with steeping grains and I did do a partial boil. I am brewing an ESB today and will try Joe S. recommendation. I would just do a full boil but I like being able to get the temp down quickly by adding cold water.

Any time you add water post boil, it’s nearly impossible to get an accurate OG reading.  The wort is heavier than the water and sinks to the bottom of the fermenter.  No matter how well you think you have it mixed, it’s almost never really mixed.

Do yourself a solid (ha!) and freeze the top-off water a couple days ahead of time. Equal parts ice and boiling work will reach ~60°F in just a minute or two.