Brewing a big saison recipe, 5 gallons of it, i'd like to experiment with yeast

As the title says, I’m brewing a big batch of a standard saison recipe with about 25-30 IBU’s. I’d like to split the batch to see the different in flavors/profile caused by the yeast. Any recommendations on a good yeast to experiment with? I was thinking Kolsch, hefe, US-05, etc…the Recipe will be 16#2 row, 4#wheat, 2.5# munich, 2 # oats, cascade and centennial. Thanks!

I am no expert. But, in my Saison, I use the White Labs 585 (Belgian Saison Yeast). It’s only available From July to August. I also use the WLP644 Sac yeast. BTW, my saison is in the finals of NHC this year. The 585 gives the beer that pepper note and the 644 cuts it a little bit. I hope this helps.

I would second WLP585.

I would also recommend Saisonstein Monster. Like this one a lot. Nice spice flavor with some pepper notes.

I have a saison in the fermenter now, using Wallonian Farmhouse from The Yeast Bay.  Looking forward to how this one comes out. I hope I get the funky and tart character the website says. Not too sure if I want any of the mild smokey flavor.

So many good yeast out there that it’s fun to try different strains and see which one I like best.

Thanks for the advice!!! I think i’ll try 585 and 644. I love saisons so it would be cool to to an experiment of saison yeasts!


If you want to see the spectrum of saison yeasts, you should definitely include WY3711. It is a different character than most other saison strains - more tart and fruity than spicy, so it makes a nice counterpoint. Plus it makes for a great base for additions like fruit, hibiscus, etc.

Not sure I understand the impetus to brew that kind of wort and then add some of those yeasts. If you’re brewing saison wort why not experiment with different saison yeasts? Lots of good options on the market these days in the saison/farmhouse realm. I’m not sure US-05 is going to net anything you haven’t already tasted.

+1 for varying saison strains only. Otherwise, it is no longer a saison.

Lots of ideas in the link below. I would definitely use one of the classic Saison Dupont strains and Wyeast 3711. Maybe a couple more saison varieties. Possibly a wine yeast or champagne yeast, and maybe a lager yeast or US-05 just for the interesting contrast as it really makes you aware of what saison yeasts bring to the table when you taste the striking difference in beers made from the same wort but different yeast.