Brewing Beer Magazine

Was out shopping over the weekend and saw this Brewing Beer magazine. I purchased a copy for myself and after spending more time reviewing it I think I going to buy another copy or two to gift to friends that are on the fence about starting homebrewing.  Lots of great articles, brewing and cooking recipes.

Either my google skills have gone to hell, or they do not have a website. Any web addresses in there?

Looking at that picture, I recognized that as a book I had seen at Lowe’s. So here is the link from Amazon.


They publish a lot of different magazines. This one is a special on brewing beer, it doesn’t appear to be a monthly title like BYO or Zymurgy… I’ve seen their cheese making and gardening magazines too.  They are all very well done magazines.  I purchased my copy @ B&N , but have seen them also at Farm & Fleet  and Tractor Supply as well.

Yeah, I was surprised when I saw this at TSC. Of course, I was there buying a bucket heater for the brewery, so I guess I shouldn’t have been that surprised.

It’s one of those “special editions” you see 2 or three times a year from a magazine. In this case it’s “Hobby Farms” magazine that puts it out. I didn’t read through it, but I’d imagine it’s targeted to the novice who is the self-sufficient type rather than someone who is already a homebrewer.

I started out many years ago after seeing a friend brew beer, and he recommended “The Joy of Homebrewing” book which I read a few times. The thing that I liked about this magazine was that is was up to date, concise, lots of photos and they made it look fun to brew. The way that “Hobby Farms” presented it they also display other avenues that the homebrewer could take the hobby with different ingredients and evening incorporating baking/cooking.  They also supplied references to places like the AHA and other resources for continued research.

Then that’s quite awesome. It definitely seems like a great way to expose new people to the hobby. Props to Hobby Farms for doing it right.

Just picked up a copy the other day at BN, very good read with tons of good info.  I have only been homebrewing for a a little over a year, but read as much as I can on the subject.  This one is definitely a good read.

Someone emailed about what was in the magazine. Here’s the Table of Contents…

For a one off publication that’s pretty solid content.