Brewing Today

Anyone else brewing up some tasty beer today!
I’m brewing a Bavarian Helles.
Cheers!  ;D

I’m not brewing today. But, yesterday I brewed an English IPA.

Funny you ask…as I just brewed a Helles yesterday.  :slight_smile:

Not today, but did my first all-grain yesterday. A BIAB APA, fingers crossed for good results in a few weeks…

This is my first attempt at a Helles.
Made a nice Kolsh last year…

I just brewed up a belgian wit!!

I am doing a double batch today. My house ipa with mosaic and zynthos hops and a clone of Mac and Jack’s African Amber for the gf. Good way to spend my Monday. :0)

A small saison to prop up some yeast for next week’s Biere de Garde.

I knew I should’ve brewed Helles yesterday! Ended up taking the day off work and brewed a Cascade/Chinook IPA. I will be brewing a helles very soon though.

Brewing up 12 gallons of Black IPA / Cross Dressing Amateurs today. I should be at work, but since I got downsized on Thursday, I’m going to enjoy my unexpected paid vacation for a week or two before jumping back into the job market, and brew lots of beer.  Probably more productive than sitting behind a desk anyways!

Sorry to hear of it.  Best of luck.

I’m not brewing again until the weekend, so I’m watching my WLP002 yeast move around eating my last batch for entertainment.

Not brewing but gonna dry hop the hell out of my Amarillo/Centennial/Mosaic AIPA.

Sounds interesting, care to share the recipe?


Sure.  I’m @ work so I don’t have my notes. But it looks right. I chose a simple base, mostly as a hop vehicle.

AIPA - 1.065 OG

12.5 lbs Rahr 2 row
.5 lbs Crystal 20
.5 lbs Wheat Malt

1 oz Cascade - FWH
.7 oz Warrior - 60 min
  1 oz Amarillo - 10 min
  1 oz Mosaic  - 10 min
  1 oz Amarillo - 0 min
  1 oz Centennial - 0 min
  1 oz Mosaic - 0 min
  1 oz Amarillo - Dry 7 days
  1 oz Centennial - Dry 7 days
  1 oz Mosaic  - Dry 7 days
  .5 oz Amarillo - Keg
  .5 oz Mosaic - Keg

Wyeast 1056

.8 oz Warrior - 60 min


BTW I used .7 oz Warrior, not .8 for 60.

Not brewing until Saturday.  I will be making a Rye IPA and an Amber.  Then going to the high school musical “Damn Yankee’s”.  It might be tough to stay awake during the play.  ::slight_smile:
