Brewing with Hibiscus....

Can I just pick the flowers off the Hibiscus plant in front of my house and brew with that?  If so how much should I use vs the dried stuff.  Now does anyone have a source for dried Hibiscus?  Where can I get some??  Thanks!!

Aren’t hibiscus toxic?

There are several commercial examples if one does a search.

This might give some help.

is this a tropical hibiscus in a pot, or a rose mallow herbaceous perennial type?  I’ve not found the latter to have much flavor, though I grow some for their awesome dinner-plate sized blooms.

I have liked the dried tropical blossoms I bought from Olive Nation, fwiw.  I put some in a mead not long ago.  People swear there is a bit of raspberry, rhubarb, and especially cranberry in there!


I brewed a Hibiscus Saison with dried hibiscus from the bulk spice section at Natural Grocers, I’m sure other grocery stores carry it as well.  I used 6oz for the last 10 minutes of the boil on a 10 gallon batch.  The color comes through beautifully and the flavor really compliments the character of the French Saison yeast.

Do it!

I can attest to the quality of this beer as I have tasted it.  Did the exact same thing except at whirlpool for 10 minutes.