The LHBS carries Briess Vienna, and I like to support him when I can. However, I have unfavorable impressions from using Briess Munich in the past, and I see in the spec sheet that this stuff is made out of six-row.
Has anybody here used it much? Like or dislike? I’m trying to decide whether to order some German stuff online, or go with this.
Pesonally, I would go with Bestmalz or Wyermann. I’ve used Breiss Vienna before and it was okay but the German maltsters make a more robust vienna (size and flavor)
Depends on what you’re going to do with it. If you think it’s a substitute for continental Vienna malt, then I think you’ll be as sorry as you were with your Munich experiment. If you’re looking for something with a little more flavor than domestic base malt, then it can give you some extra flavor. But it doesn’t really taste anything like something made by a German maltster. If you’re making a German style beer, you need German malts for the right malt flavor. Pils, Munich, Vienna, etc. OK, you can get by with Belgian malts, but US or UK malts don’t have the right flavor.