A local brew pub makes this beer and I really enjoy it. know it’s not much to go on, and I’m not trying to make the exact beer, just something close. Here all I could find for a description.
Rich warm notes, dried plum, toasted malts and dark caramel tones finish with a spicy herbal hop flavor.
I know the beer is about about 6.5%
Here is my starting point
8 gallon batch
15.5 lbs maris otter
1 lb special b
1lb c40
.75 pale chocolate
.5 chocolate malt
.5 extra dark crystal
1oz nugget @60
1oz hallertau@ 5
What do you guy’s think
Have you talked to the brewer? Many are more than happy to give their recipes to customers. It’s very unlikely, even with the recipe, that you’ll be able to clone the beer, but it will give you some data to work with.
Looks like you may prefer the challenge of using your knowledge and sensory assets to dial it in. Either way, good luck and please post your process and progress. It could be a learning process for others too.
I think a lb of special B is a lot, even in an 8 gallon batch.
I’d cut it down to about a half lb.
Agreed. As a matter of fact, since there is Extra Dark Crystal in there too, I’d probably skip the Special B altogether. You can get dried plum from that as well.
I’d also consider using a stone-fruity English Ale yeast like WY1968. In a brown ale I’d think that dried plums are more likely to come from Dark Crystal plus an estery yeast rather than Special B.
“Toasted malts” make me think of Victory or Special Roast in this style.