I created a vanilla Porter and each of the three software. However bru’n water gave 4.98 pH when BrewFather and BeerSmith gave 5.44. Normally I use bru’n water for deciding how to treat my RO water but in this case I think it’s off. Any explanations why the difference?
input 2 row-base malt, caramel 40L-crystal malt, chocolate- roast, black patent-roast, munich light- base, roasted barley-roast.
Vanilla Porter-recipe
Water target- Brown Balanced. Ca50/Mg10/Na27/S70/C55/B90
RO water
Fermentables (12 lb 12 oz)
9 lb - Mash - Pale Malt 2-Row 2 °L (70.6%)
1 lb 8 oz - Mash - Caramel Malt 40L 40 °L (11…
1 lb - Chocolate 350 °L (7.8%)
12 oz - Mash - Black (Patent) Malt 369.7 °L (…
4 oz - Mash - Munich 7.9 °L (2%)
4 oz - Mash - Roasted Barley 300 °L (2%)
Hops (1.85 oz)
60 min - 0.25 oz - Chinook - 13% (11 IBU)
30 min - 0.6 oz - Tettnang (Tettnang Tettnage…
15 min - 0.5 oz - Perle - 8.2% (7 IBU)
5 min - 0.5 oz - Goldings, East Kent - 5% (2…
Mash - 0.18 g - Baking Soda (NaHCO3)
Mash - .96 g - Calcium Chloride (CaCl2)
Mash - 0.86 g - Canning Salt (NaCl)
Mash - 1.06g - Chalk (CaCO3)
Mash - 1.68 g - Epsom Salt (MgSO4)
Mash - .96 g - Gypsum (CaSO4)
Sparge - 0.96 g - Calcium Chloride (CaCl2)
Sparge - 0.86 g - Canning Salt (NaCl)
Sparge - 1.68 g - Epsom Salt (MgSO4)
Sparge - .96 g - Gypsum (CaSO4)
10 min - Boil - 0.1 oz - Irish Moss
10 min - Boil - 0.5 tsp - Yeast Nutrients
1 pkg - Fermentis Safale American US-05