Brutus 10 Build

I have always wanted a brewstand ever since I read my first Zymurgy Magazine. The question at hand is “What kind of brewstand will work for me”.

I want something practical with some automation and something that will stand the test of time. Something that will be able to take a licking and keep on brewing.

The answer for me was “The Brutus 10”.

With the help of the superior welding and fabrication skills of Capozzoli. We started the “Brutus 10 Build”.

This is a work in progress.

Here we are at The Capozzoli Metalworks Cafe.

The metal has arrived. We have (2x) 2"x2"x20’ by .120" wall 304 Stainless Steel square tubing. Ready to cut!

Welding the gas inlet valves.

Just in case you were wondering who was welding. It’s the one and only, never lonely Mr. “Capozzoli”!  8)

This is an example of a sanitary weld around the gas inlet valve.

This is the gas arm ready to be tacked into the rear frame assembly.

I will continue to update this thread as progress is made.

Cheers!  8)

Nice work and nice welding job.

And here I thought Capozzoli just cooked food!

Wow! No corners cut for this stand!

Pretty welding. Glad the inlet valves got sanitary welds . . wouldn’t want the gas to get infected!  :D

You da man bluesman! This is looking GREAT! Please keep the pics coming my friend!!

I brew beer too…sometimes. ::slight_smile:

You guys going NG or Propane?

Initially I’ll be using propane, but I want to make a switch to NG sometime.

I want thank Lonnie Mac for the plans to build this fine thing of beauty.

I especially want to thank Capp for helping me out with all of the welding. He’s the man.

It will take some time to get it all together, but I hope to have it complete by the end of this year. That’s fully automated and producing beer.

I’ll be posting plenty of pics along the way.  8)

Lookin’ forward to it!  :slight_smile:

It has barely been started and I already think it is a thing of beauty! I am hungry for more
pics as well.

It is actually further along. I just need to download the photos and post them.

Yeah, lets see more pics. You can never have to many pics of tig welding.

Lets see some pics of the parts cuttin guy too.

Im thinking about going to get some fresh killed chickens next brew stand work day Pho lunch. Convinced them to let me take pictures. Maybe we can include some pictures of that process in this thread too; although unrelated, pics of TIg welding and chicken killing have to go together well…right?

Only if you weld at least one chicken wing.
Maybe you can do a blowtorch lunch, braised chicken( ;D) and flan with the carmelized sugar on top.
S’mores if you’re less ambitious.

OK…more pics

Here I am cutting some of the crossmembers.

Capozoli welding some of the crossmembers as he talks about the fresh killed chickens down on Kensington Ave.  :o

It was hard getting shots of Capp welding because that TIG welder generates 11,000F. It can blind you.

Preparing to weld the front frame assembly.

After that we headed down to Thang Long Vietnamese Restaurant on Kensington Street in Philly where we ordered Pho for lunch. It was close enough to the shop that we walked.  Excellent food!  8)

Fellas, this looks like too much fun! And it certainly brings back GREAT memories my friends!!! I hope it gives you many many great brew days!

Barrels of fun indeed!  8)

…and barrels of beer to brew too.  :smiley:

Speaking of…

You buying nice shiny Blingman pots - or finding some kegs somewhere ?

It depends on what kind of deals are available. Blichmann kettles are pricey, but they sure are fine looking kettles. I have one keggle, so I may get the Capster to help me out on converting some kegs.

A 15 gallon Boilermaker will only hit you $368.99 - $20 discount + $7.99 shipping. So for a little over a grand…  :o

I saw that and suddenly craved some Pad Thai…now I am hungry.