Finally getting to post these. Finished my brutus build about 3 months ago, although its always a work in progress(cleaning up wires, insulating things, getting the burners to run more efficiently etc.) But Im super happy with it and finally have the system honed in and producing consistent stuff! Oh and these pics were from the initial test run, dont worry I moved the control box off the propane tank and onto a mount! Put it there cuz I couldnt them damn burners to fire for the life of me at first!
awesome! quick question: those copper colored 4inch tubes sticking out of the mash tun and HLT - are those electric heating elements? Is that how you keep heating your mash and HLT?If so what wattage? 1500? 4000? (I’ve been talking about this on another thread and this is a perfect example - I think).
Feel free to ask any questions, lets just keep them posted in here so everyone can see them. I also see your in Ohio, whereabouts? If youre close to the Youngstown area youre welcome to come check out the system in person.
I believe you’re referring to the RTD tees. There is an RTD(temperature probe) inside of those copper tees, which are connected to camlocks. I re-circ the mash and HLT through the out ball valves, which the tee snaps onto easily with the cam lock, I can then attach the hose to the bottom of the tee so Im measuring the outflow temp of the wort and sparge water. Those probes are hooked into my PID control box. When the burner is set to “auto” position the RTD tells the PID controller on the control box to fire the burner or shut it off based on the temp I need.
That would be awesome.
I’m in North Akron, Cuyahoga Falls area…
I really need someone who can do some welding for me.
I would also like some wheels on it.
Actually going to do heatsticks because where I’m living right now, I don’t have access to Gas.
That is until I get moved into my house in the next few months.
I Batch Sparge in a cooler so no need for a MLT. Denny’s Cheap 'N Easy
I’m actually on my way out to the Grocery Store. But will PM you later on once I get back.
I actually had an extra stand built and welded just in case I messed up the first attempt haha. Its not stainless steel, but high temp paint cured properly works well. I still have the extra stand, it doesnt have casters on it. The thing cost me 180 bucks(each) to have done. If you want my extra stand Ill be happy to sell it to you at my cost of 180 bucks. Again its just the frame, steel welded and done. No burners or anything.
I actually work in Northfield so I could easily meet you. with the stand, or you can come out and brew one day! I brew near Sharon, PA as my uncle has a lot more space and a heated garage.
That would be perfect for me. Completely awesome!!!
I can add pumps and everything else I need to it.
The price is right too. I defiantly want the Stand for $180.00!!!
Waiting on my Taxes to come back and will let you know when I get it. Supposed to be by the 31st.
I also want to get a Country Malt Order going as well.
I want to stock up on 13 bags myself, While I will have the cash.
\Also other stuff to get like a 42" HDTV and a Xbox and new Cell Phone…LOL
Sounds like a plan! If you want to make the trek out to the Sharon, PA area(about 75 minutes from Akron), youre welcome to come out. You can grab the stand and see mine in action to get some ideas. I brew pretty much every weekend. So the first weekend of Feb or any subsequent weekend would be fine by me. Here is my brew schedule for the month of February(the date is tentative, sometimes I do it on Sunday as opposed to Saturday or even occasionally Friday nights so we could firm that up the week prior).
4th- Milk Stout
11th- Baltic Porter
18th- Heff
25th- Belgian Tripel
Alternatively if you want we can arrange a meet up in the Northfield area if you’d rather just pick up the stand!
I will have to come over to PA sometime, Just had a Daughter over here so my hands are kinda tied at the moment.
We can do the Northfield meet up, that would be convenient for the both of us.
There’s a Winking Lizard up there as well…
If we make it a weekend I can get my Cousin and his Durango
I am up here Monday-Friday from about 8:30 to 4:30 for work. I try not to drive up here on weekends since I live in Sharon, PA and commute to northfield everyday for work. I actually work right next to Leeners on Olde Eight Rd, the Winking Lizard is only a mile or so away from me. I can meet you before during or right after work time on any weekday thats convenient. Ill dig up the exact measurements on the stand so you know how much room you need. Im guessing you should be able to stand it up on any back seat of a regular car and not have much issue since its just the frame. I know it fits in my jeep liberty backseat just fine!
That will work.
We have a 4 Door Sonata, So that may work.
If not, I will just borrow my Cousins Durango.
Were only talking Macedonia!!! Small world eh?
Hell yeah!!! I’m only about 10 miles if that from Olde-Eight
That was the Winking Lizard I was thinking about.
There used to be an awesome Chinese buffet up there as well…LOL
Years ago I actually met Charlie P there at Leeners back in the day!!! haha
Well let me know whatever you want to do. The brew stand is out my uncle’s house and Im there every weekend, so let me know the weekend before you want to meet up and Ill load it up that weekend and meet you whatever day you want!
Ok so the temp controllers switch on the burners to heat up the mash rather than an electric element. Is the burner set to a low position - i.e. is scorching not an issue? Also doesn’t that just heat the bottom of the mash? What about the middle and top parts? Total newbie at this stuff so if these are annoying questions, you can just ignore.
Not at all! Please ask away. I have the whole system running on low pressure propane. I did mount my burner for the mash a little bit “lower” or further away from the bottom of the MLT kettle than I do the HLT or BK. I have had no scorching issues whatsoever! Even when I ramp to mashout temps or do step mashing and have to raise the temp 20 some degrees.
I keep a mounted thermometer right around the center of my mash(blichmann brewmometer) just as a sanity check. However I have found my PID temp and mounted thermometer temp in the middle of the mash(I also hand check the top of the mash) all are very close and accurate! The only time this really doesnt hold true is when I am ramping up temps. I constantly stir the mash while ramping up temps so it remains consistent. If you dont stir the bottom RTD reading will be higher than the top initially but eventually will even out. I am constantly recirculating that mash through a march pump so the top and middle heat up to the same temp as the bottom very accurately. During the actual mash I stir it every 15 minutes or so usually.