Bucket opening tool

Does anyone use a bucket opening tool to open your fermentation bucket?  Every time I open my fermenter I think there has to be an easier way.

I have seen two different types, the red and the black.  Do either of these different styles work well for an ale pail?



I use one similar to the bottom, red one that I purchased from Walmart (paint dept) for a couple bucks. It works on all my buckets. Cheers!!!

I use one like the black one. It’s better than using my fingers,  but still a pain.

Real men use their fingers. :smiley:

I think bigchicken is a little touchie about the “finger lickin good” thing

I use the red one too, when I can find it.  Otherwise I just use my bare hands and rip the lid off.

That saying brings back some crazy memories! I worked at KFC as a teenager. To this day I still can’t eat there!

I have one like the red one…but mine is black

Man…was it gross or something?  Or did you just totally burn yourself out on it?

I have the same issue with Hardee’s.  27 years ago and I still can’t walk into one.  It’s the same idea as when I tell people they don’t want to know how sausage is made.  8^)


i didn’t even know they made those bucket openers. when i saw the title of the thread i thought it was going to be weazeltoe backing over a bucket with his new camper ;D

Have you thought of trying Gamma lids

I have a friend with a pool who gives me plastic buckets that used to contain chlorine tabs or something for water treatment.  These buckets have ratcheting locking screw on lids and a rubber seal.  If I can remember I’ll take a picture of one.

I’d say it was more burnout than anything. The food prep was extremely strict so the food was fine. I will say that when it was time for cleaning, that was gross! A friend of mine fell into the grease dumpster one night because he had dropped a tool into it. He leaned over the side to try to fish it out, lost his balance and went chest first into it! That stuff was nasty!

Same here…but mine is purple

I have the one resembling the black one… but I do NOT use it anymore… I found I was putting hairline cracks in my lids when I used them… This of course leads to bubblers with no activity due to leaky lids… You may want to consider using your fingers as I do now… jmho… cheers!!


those gamma seals are neat, similar to a brewcube lid.  sust one more thing to clean or harbor bacteria though,