Budweiser Project 12

I picked up a twelver of this on Friday, mostly because I have fond memories of the Brewmaster’s Private Reserve I had some 6 or so years ago.  That beer was outstanding.  These beers are not.

Skip this one, as you probably would have anyway.

Not surprisingly, they all taste like Budweiser.  None of them were very good.  I’d rather have a Schlitz.

What to do with the 9 remaining beers?  I’ll probably just leave them in the basement for a few years. Maybe use them for beer brats.

I’d probably end up drinking them anyway. :wink:

Great for chili, beans or brats. Don’t want to waste a can of coke on your battery terminals? Use a Bud!

Target practice.  Full bottles make a nice display when hit.

You only have a finite number of brain cells.  Don’t waste them on junk “beer”.

Is it bad that I love Schlitz? Ever since they changed back to the “Gusto” recipe.

I don’t know if its “bad” exactly…  I bought some specifically to check out the new old recipe.

It’s better than the Bud, but the rest of the twelver is next to the Bud twelver in the basement.  Along with a few bottles of Point Special.

I still like bud, not my favorite beer but i like it better than most ipa’s. and since i just bought the inventory from a recently closed bar, about 1/4th of it is this.  I shall not waste.  (of course i bought none of the residual miller, or coors products)

I happen to like Coors and Miller High Life as long as they are in the can. Bud just has a sour flavor I can’t get behind. After some strenuous sweaty output one tastes fairly good but Buttwiper turns in my mouth if I try for more.

BMC?..drinking it?..storing it?    What a blow! and I was kinda lookin up to some of you guys. :wink:

I say “You only have one liver…destroy it wisely!”

I try not to judge people by what they like to drink, even when I don’t understand how they could have such poor taste!  :wink:

Ah, but this beer:http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/29/26900/ was outstanding.

I was hoping for a repeat, but such was not to be.

I bought the Private Reserve for $5 at Sam’s Club thinking “it’s worth a shot for $5.”  I should have bought many more.  They were gone when I returned.

The brewers at BMC can make some awesome beers.

Yes, for example - Mitch Steele makes some awesome beers… now that he’s at Stone :slight_smile:

The brewers at all the mega-breweries are extremely tallented brewers.  They would not be where they are if it were otherwise.  I have no doubt that they can brew awesome beers.  They either choose not to, or are not allowed to.

Just had an idea for a name for a craft brew - Otherwiser.  ;D

Haha, no! I also like Schlitz - Classic 1960’s Recipe Schlitz, that is.  :smiley:

Here is an interesting article sort of related to this topic.


see, people are talking about liver, brain damage etc,  i am more concerned that you are doing strenuous exercise.  ughh. :o

Back in the 70s I was a wine salesman for a wholesale wine house that was also a distributor for Schlitz, and Old Milwaukee.  Us guys on the wine side of the business had a standing joke:  “Schlitz is the German word for skunk piss.”  ::slight_smile:

Extremely informative! Wish I had bought some stock 4 years ago… Great from the investor’s point of view and not so great from the loyal consumers’- who are now voting with their wallets. And once consumer confidence is gone and particularly with beer it is hard to win them back.

I know but it happens sometimes. 8)

Interesting article, but the title is so hyperbolic it turns me off.  There is NO “plot to destroy America’s beer”.  There is simply a way of running a business that isn’t good for beer.

No worries, I’m still riding my bike 12.5 miles every morning.  That way I sweat out all the adult beverages I consumed the night before. ;D