Budweiser Black Lager

Ya okayso I broke down and purchased and consumed something from AB, but I had try it cuz the label says “aged to perfection on real Jim Beam bourbon barrel staves”, not actually barrel aged but a poor mans imitation. The banner also talked about chocolate rye taste with coffee and chocolate notes so my curiosity was piqued. I didn’t get any rye or coffee notes, there was a good bit of sweetness and some chocolate. Overall it was a little thin but an okay beer which definitely tasted like a Macro’s attempt at a craft beer, and most definitely not worth $12 for a 4 pack.

I doubt any of their promotions are aimed at those of us who know what flavor a particular ingredient or process imparts. Their primary targets are consumers who wouldn’t know a particular flavor if it bit them in the a$$.

I remember when ABInBev started brewing the Bass Ale brand over here, the label and advertising proudly stated it was made from the finest barley and malted hops.  Yep, malted hops.  Also it was the first ale ever brewed in the world.  Don’t know if it still says that, I can’t choke the swill down, but it seems for years at least nobody who knew jack $#!? ever looked at the copy.  Hey, the Bass and the various “reserve” lagers are all about the same color.  Maybe it’s all the same crap with different labels.  All this is more the shame because with their technical capabilities, ABI could brew anything imaginable.  Doesn’t have to suck.

If it didn’t suck Rob their core demographic wouldn’t buy it.

Bud Light.

dont forget busch ice!

Announcer: “If you don’t love Bud Light—”

Random woman:“I’m a vodka gal myself.”

Announcer: “—You’ll love Bud Light Seltzer—there’s no Bud Light in it!”


Believe me, that really does work with their target demographic.

Bud has some really nice horses. Point being, they’ve got some real quality stuff. They’re horses.

Having spent some time abroad, I will attest to the fact that horse can be reasonably tasty.

;D lol! Hmmmm, maybe those horses will go missing from the pasture.

I wonder if it is intended to compete with Modelo Negra?