Buffalo Wild Wings and home brew

This just came in through my club’s email:

Making fun of homebrewers:

Enjoy :slight_smile:


Hmmm, now I just have less respect for BWW’s than I had before.  Their wings were good like 5+ years ago, then they go shittier quality meat and everything is way too expensive.

i’m not sure what they figure they gain by beating up on homebrewers.

I thought it was hilarious.


I thought it was kinda funny.  I think we’ve all got that one person in the brew club whos still at the spit bucket bucket required stage.  Or that person who thinks its a good idea to add habenero to every recipe…

I guess I’m old and jaded from spending too many years in the advertising biz…I find about 99% of all commercials stupid and insulting.

to paraphrase Tom Robbins ‘The more advertising I see the less I want to buy’

ok, as a group, our beer is some of the best in the world…so yeah, that message is somewhat offensive…but look at what is going on in the background…he’s got taps coming out of the walls, fermentations going in every corner, kegs packed in conspicuous places, tubes and homemade contraptions sitting everywhere…he’s got the obligitory brewing companion (in this case a perturbed cat), and the dude has a beard.  Sadly, they sort of nailed it on a stereotypical level.  His friends like lousy beer and bad wings…and who hasn’t had a bad “bratwurst” beer from a newbe brewer?

So it is funny, as it looks like my basement brewery/furnace/storage room (albeit, mine is cleaner), and I own my mad (brewery) scientist persona.

I thought it was funny. Was I the only one to notice that his “friends” were his co-workers?  No pressure there, eh? Then they go to the restaurant, they have plenty of elbow room and reliable beer, a pretty young thing serves them and scoots out of the way, etc. I hardly saw it as a slur against homebrewing any more than commercials featuring bad cooks condemn all home cooking.

i clearly misunderstood the commercial.

Don’t get me wrong, the commercial is inane, as most commercials are. But I think it’s harmless as far as homebrew is concerned. Socializing with co-workers you don’t like, maybe not so much…

I do socialize with co workers over wings and sometimes we do get wings from or go to BWW. They also know that I homebrew :slight_smile:

Maybe I should try to develop a bratwurst beer :slight_smile:


I thought it was kinda funny.  As a wise man one said, “It’s funny 'cause it’s true!”

Was that wise man Homer Simpson?

If their goal was to get people to watch their commercial, they succeeded. If their goal was to get me to buy their wings, they failed. But I wouldn’t have gone to BWW anyway, even without that commercial.

Was that Zack Galifinakis?

Oh, and when it comes to inane commercials…

I think it’s funny enough.  Why would I be offended?  It’s good to laugh at yourself.

Not that I’m going there, I don’t even know where the nearest one is.  I went about 15 years ago in Indiana, I thought the wings were fine.

Pa used to say,“It’s good to be able to laugh at yourself because if you can’t, somebody else certainly will.” ;D

Yeah, but The Brewing Network consistently insults homebrewers and talks about how terrible homebrew is, and homebrewers seem to eat that up.


That hasn’t been my experience with the Brewing Network.

Other than the AHA, I don’t think anyone has done more to advance homebrewing that the Brewing Network.  Are they a little childish and immature at times? Yes.  But, with the help of AHA members; Jamil, Mike McDole, John Palmer, and Nathan Smith they have provide countless numbers of homebrewers with valuable tips to improve homebrewing and the homebrewing community.  I generally tune out all of the stupid jokes and childish antics and listen for the technical info.  My homebrewing has vastly improved since joining the AHA AND listening to the BN.

Edit:  Plus they have provided homebrewers who otherwise wouldn’t have a meeting place or a club due to their location a place to meet and discuss homebrewing topics.