What do you think of this commercial

Buffalo wild Wings—Homebrew

It grossly misrepresents a hobby that at times produces a better product than what is commercially available, but I still think it’s funny.  The issue that I see is that it will give homebrewing a bad reputation to those that are unfamiliar with it.  I’m sure I will get some ribbing from my non-homebrewing friends, although they will still drink my beer.

It makes me think that its time to brew a bratwurst beer.

I think it is pretty funny. Or, at least, funny enough.

I think it’s pretty funny when taken as it was intended- comedy.  A vast majority of the comments on youtube were from people who are either too easily offended, or just don’t get the joke.  I am sure that we all know a fellow brewer that likes to experiment with various odd things to add to their brews, and it ends up like bratwurst ale.
It didn’t specifically say anything bad about homebrewers, it was just a charicature of a wacky dude.

Who knows?  This just might pique the interest of some people enough to investigate and start brewing.

Bratwurst in the mash or secondary? :wink:

I laughed.  We’ve all met that guy.  I’m glad that he had a beard too.

The commenters claiming to be “offended” need to lighten up.  It’s no different than those old Budweiser “It’s not heavy like an import” or “darker heavier beers could hide flaws!” ads.  We’re the minority and they’re welcome to market their product to the majority.  Why wouldn’t they?

I’d venture to guess that any Buffalo Wild Wings marketing exec would love to come over to one of our houses and be served award-winning beer and some of the ridiculous food featured on the Dinner/BBQ threads.

I’m thinking secondary. 8)  Should it be homemade bratwurst as well?

I don’t know…pretty confident I’m never going to appreciate a pork beverage.
But now an amber with a little Frank’s Hot Sauce might be interesting.  They’ll put that sh!t on everything.  :slight_smile:

Im thinking raw homemade brats added to the boil.  Remove the brats and Grill them, store them and add them at packaging. That way you dont loose any sausagey goodness.

I thought it was funny, but then again I am secure in my Brewscalinity  :wink:

We have a winner!  ;D


It doesn’t offend me any more than 99% of all advertising does.  I don’t think it’s particularly funny and I wonder just how stupid they think the people watching the ad are.  Of course, I made commercials for 30 years and I came to this conclusion 29 1/2 years ago.

I should also point out that this ad has no bearing on the fact that I’ve never been to a “Buffalo Wild Wings” and never intend to go to one.

The commercial is funny (at least a little) to me.  Mostly because I know that most of us are not like that.  Some people do want to use clams in beer but that’s another thread.  ;D

I have been to BWW and I can say, with no reservations, that you haven’t missed much.  Most of their dishes are not even actually wings but chicken fingers with sauces.  At least that’s my recollection.  YMMV


Wait a minute…How come you guys didn’t tell me I needed to wear cool goggles to be a “real” homebrewer?

Mildly funny commercial…I am amazed they could get Zach Galifianakis though  :wink:

Food sucks, don’t waste your time.

In my area, the service is actually (and surprisingly) worse than the food. What’s a girl got to do to get a water refill around here? :slight_smile:

That’s funny right there…maybe cuz it hits a little close to home  ::slight_smile:

BWW’s food in my town is pretty good IMHO.  Their craft beer menu is a huge improvement, too.

Full Disclosure: BWW sponsors our comp in several ways, including selling the BOS winning homebrew, scaled up and brewed commercially, on draft throughout their Maryland locations.  That’s a pretty cool prize for your average Joe Homebrewers…complete with tapping parties at several restaurants.  They are homebrewer-friendly, they try to help make a pretty big deal out of the competition, and we give one of their more knowledgeable beer managers a seat at the BOS table (with a pro brewer and 2-3 Cert or higher judges).