Bugs in my hops

I was picking hops yesterday and found myself swarmed by small, white, flying bugs.  They weren’t there a week ago.  Any idea what they are?  Should I do anything about them?  I’ve picked about 1/2-2/3 of the hops already.  Thanks

Hard to say without a picture.  Small white flying bugs.  Maybe whiteflies?

A soap spray may help, or just ignore them since you are harvesting anyway.  They shouldn’t linger on the cones once they have been picked.

What part of the country do you live?

Can you post a pic?  Could be whiteflies.


I live in Chicago.  These insects could very well be white flies.  Interestingly, the UC Davis link says that ants kill insects that eat white flies.  I noticed recently that I had ants again after wiping them out in the spring.

Anyway, I’ll try to take some pictures, spray the bugs with insecticidal soap and kill ants with black pepper.  I’m also worried that these bugs may spread to my vegetables.

Thanks to the both of you for the info.

These things are so small that I can’t take a picture of them.  They like to hide under the leaves.  They are leaving the hop cones alone.

Have you looked at the pictures we linked to?

Are they causing damage to the leaves or just hiding under them?

if you are in the midst of harvesting I wouldn’t spray with soap. it will affect the hops flavour alot. spray your veggies though.

Yeah, if you are harvesting I would ignore the.  Pick the hops, cut the bines and get rid of them either in the garbage or yard waste bin.  Or burn them.

Here is my final plan: I’m going to spray with soap or oil after harvest and before the bines wither.  Then I’ll remove everything and have it taken away as yard waste.  Thanks for the comments.