
Looking at new burners. So far, I’ve been using the 55k turkey fryer burners. But, since I’m builing a new brew house, I’m going to upgrade. What it you guys opinion, the banjo burner from NB, or the jet burner? My largest boil volume is typically between 13 and 14 gallons.  Brewery will be manual for now, but in the future I may want to add a little automation. Thoughts? Oh, and I burn propane.


I have three of the banjo burners KAB4 on my brewstand and like the performance I get from them. The main consideration for me was their heating capacity. I wanted something that packs a big punch to help me get through the brewday. They have one of the highest heating capacities of any burner out there.

That was sort of the direction I was leaning. I like the cheapness of the jet, but really want to get the wort boiling. But, then again, the jets just look so cool!  ;D

another +1 for the KAB4, it halved my boil-time.