I’m interested in doing closed C02 transfers to my kegs, but I ferment in a bucket. My bucket lids fit TIGHT, so seems like would hold the little pressure needed to push the beer. Trying to envision what such a setup would look like though - anyone seen a good one?
I use CO2 to transfer from my conical to kegs, though my fermenter is not designed to hold pressure. I’ve got a hose barb that fits into the stopper on my fermenter. I just turn the pressure down to 2 psi or so and occasionally give it a shot of CO2 while I’m transferring. With a bucket, I’d be a bit more concerned about over pressurizing, as you could crack the bucket or lid (probably more likely to pop off the lid, but worth being cautious).
yeah, thanks Gary. I would definitely keep the pressure low, and think with some keg lube to seal the lid and grommets could hold enough pressure to move the beer. Seems all I’d need to do is drill another hole in the lid for a stainless barb for the C02 line and use a racking cane in the other hole as on the carboy setups.
Will report back when I have some results (hopefully good)
Based on the domes I have seen when my air lock clogged I would say the buckets can hold quite a bit of pressure.
In the bucket, have two holes with rubber grommits. One for the racking cane, the other for a piece of copper or ss tube clamped to your hose from the CO2. (I found the hoses too hard to get a good seal and still get through the grommit)
Turn the CO2 all the way off, regulator to absolute zero.
Take your racking cane and connect it to your liquid out side of the keg, Open the keg to atmosphere (purge with CO2 if you like, but you need to let the pressure bleed out)
Place the keg below the fermenting bucket.
Then slowly open the regulator until you hear gas flowing or beer fowing, then stop opening the regulator, and maybe back it off a half turn…
Essentially, you are still siphoning, and just using the CO2 to start the beer moving and then filling in the head space. The pressure needed to keep the beer moving often causes the lids to pop over time, so keeping the pressure low is the key.
Good luck (FYI, if you need to make a second grommit hole, you can pick up the grommits at some of the popular mail order homebrew shops… I am lucky that my local one has a stock)