I love Scottish shilling ales. I have my recipe down to my idea of perfection using wyeast 1728. Fermented nice and cool @ 55F-57F. I am just about out of my last batch and really want to get one going. Sadly, I have not yet added 1728 to my ranch.
I do however have some WLP 810. Anyone ever use this for a Scottish ale? I have only ever used it to make a Cal Common, so I don’t really have a feel for how it handles a maltier brew.
I am getting some 1728, so it is not that I can’t wait for that. It just occurred to me to that it might be something to try. However, I hate to mess with “perfection” :
Anyone have any insight on WLP810 and either Scottish ales or some other malty type ale or lager? Is it pretty clean? I kind of suspect it has some assertive characteristics from the cal commons I brew but I can’t really separate them in my mind from the hops. I use magnum bittering and Perle for the rest of the additions in my version.