Cali common yeast for a Scottish shilling?

I love Scottish shilling ales.  I have my recipe down to my idea of perfection using wyeast 1728.  Fermented nice and cool @ 55F-57F.  I am just about out of my last batch and really want to get one going.  Sadly, I have not yet added 1728 to my ranch.

I do however have some WLP 810.  Anyone ever use this for a Scottish ale?  I have only ever used it to make a Cal Common, so I don’t really have a feel for how it handles a maltier brew.

I am getting some 1728, so it is not that I can’t wait for that.  It just occurred to me to that it might be something to try.  However, I hate to mess with “perfection”  ::slight_smile:

Anyone have any insight on WLP810 and either Scottish ales or some other malty type ale or lager?  Is it pretty clean?  I kind of suspect it has some assertive characteristics from the cal commons I brew but I can’t really separate them in my mind from the hops.  I use magnum bittering and Perle for the rest of the additions in my version.

I’m guilty! I’d have to check my notes, but I once used the WY2112 on a split-batch of Heavy70/-. I do remember that it turned out better than the same beer on the WY1728, but I suspect there may have been evil forces at work in the latter.  :-\

Seems like a fine fit to me, especially if you can manage to ferment a bit  on the cooler side  as an authentic Scottish ale would be anyway (but not at lager temps).

Either way, It’s worth a shot.


I guess I will give it a go.  Maybe I will do a split 10 gallon batch as beertracker did when I get some 1728.  Hopefully I can keep the evil forces at bay!  :smiley:

Til’ then I may just try a fiver.