Can I brew and drink an Ale within a week?

Anybody have any experience with making a 3 day Ale?  I will be visiting my brother this Christmas for 8 days and propose to brew an Ale on the day I arrive and speculate wether I can force carbonate by the 4th day.  I do plan on having a good 1.5L starter ready on brew day.

Let me know


Pepe Daubon

I guess it depends on how much you like your brother.
Even breweries that can shave time off the process can’t turn a drinkable beer around that fast.

You may be able to pull it off, but I doubt it.  I certainly have never been able to do a batch faster than 11 days.  Personally, I don’t think I’d waste my time on it.  YMMV.

I’ve had a stout once that was 4 days old and was pretty freaking amazing. That was done by MB Raines (aka she of the super Yeast knowledge)

I also managed to turn a mild around in about 5, but that was pushing it quickly. Lots of yeast, lots of O2 and a little bit of luck!

English Mild or Hefe/Wit would probably work.

I’ve never done anything under 2 weeks, just never been in a hurry I guess.


I would go for a 4% hefe. Low gravity, cloudy finish, ferment slightly warn (70F)

this should finish in 3-5 days.


I have gone grain to glass with a mild 3.5% ABV in 8 days.

Lots of yeast, and it was kegged, and served on handpump.

Thanks for your input guys.  If I decide to do this experiment I will inform you of the results!
Merry Drinking!
Pepe Daubon

I have a 1 week wheat that I have brewed more than once, but its always better after 2 weeks.  Its a lower gravity, about 1.045, lager and wheat malt (approx 30%), and fermented with wyeast belgian wheat yeast.  It is usually at terminal gravity after a week, but as I said it is better after two.

I would suggest a hefe or american wheat. Try it at home before you go to see if you want to go it with your brother. If you don’t like the trial beer after a week let it ferment longer and cancel the Christmas beer plan.