Is it possible for a single beer recipe to fit into multiple BJCP sub-categories?
Would it be legitimate to enter the same beer into two different sub-categories in a competition?
Is it possible for a single beer recipe to fit into multiple BJCP sub-categories?
Would it be legitimate to enter the same beer into two different sub-categories in a competition?
It happens often. There is a lot of overlap between some styles. Some styles are wide enough that the same beer can be on the edges of two styles.
Yeah, sometimes if you’re not sure which style to enter, you can and should enter both styles to see how it scores in each. Also something to keep in mind, if it seems like it’s just a little bit too strong for the style, then that’s exactly where you want to enter it. On the other hand, if it seems like it’s just a little too weak for a style, then you probably do NOT want to enter it there. It’s all part of playing the competition game.
A good example is a beer that can be entered as a German Pils and as a Dortmunder.
Or…A hoppy pale ale into an IPA style. Definitely happens. Certainly relative to the judges perceptions as to whether it fits or not.
I once entered a Dort as an ESB because it was too dark for some reason… and it placed! Yes, I too was shocked.
Or a tripel and a belgian golden strong…
where does Dark Mild end and Brown Porter begin?
…that sort of thing.
We had one entrant enter the same beer (same name, saw it at sorting) into 3 different categories. I’m curious to see how it does.
Specialty is an frequent overlap. I recently entered an obviously above category amber ale in both 10B and specialty at a comp. Scored 38 in specialty and did not place. Scored 37 in 10B and did place.
Same comp. I entered a pils that was falling a bit short when I entered it as a pils… so, i entered it as a dortmunder and it placed.
I have a mild I brew a lot that flirts right between dark mild and brown porter… I have never actually entered it as a brown porter, but think I will with my recent batch.
I think almost any time you brew something to the high end or low end of the guidelines, it is potentially a beer that could be placed in multiple categories.
Hey, it sure makes competition brewing a bit easier! ;D