How many BJCP subcategories have you brewed?

Went thru the list and counted: 41.

How many BJCP subcategories have you brewed?
  • <10
  • 10-25
  • 26-50
  • 51+
  • All of them!
0 voters

pretty sure I’m at 60

33…Slowly working my way through most of the styles though some will probably never happen (sours)

44 on the beers. Maybe 5 for the mead and cider.

33 beers, 2 meads, and 1 cider.  I want to make a lot more pilsners and lagers this winter so the number will go up.  Also, I need to make my first sour some time soon.

gosh probably 10 or 11, but voted less than 10 to be safe.  too tired to count.  all that is about to change as i have a new brewing project that will take several batches to complete in styles i have yet to brew.  it’s a blended beer oak barrel (wet and rye), not sure of all the styles yet, but a pal and i are doing it together.

12, but I’ve been focusing on 4 lately. Working on house recipes

~40.  I don’t have some of my oldest brewing notes, but that’s pretty close.

15… I don’t know if I’ll get that number a whole lot higher, but would like to eventually get it to 25ish

On a quick estimate, I’m thinking 48.

Glancing through the categories, I think 38, but I’d have to go back through my brewing notes to make sure I didn’t forget any.

I counted 54 including one cider. Quite a few could be considered to overlap more than one style, (Smoked Imperial Bacon Stout for instance) but I only included that in one category.

I’m at 21. I’ll probably be adding another 5 or six over the coming months, but I see myself capping in the low-mid 30’s. There’s quite a few styles I have no interest in, and I don’t forsee ever getting close enough to brewing all the styles that I’d ever want to brew a Light Lager, Wit or Rauchbier just for completionist purposes.

I count about 55 and 5 meads, but I’ve been at it for quite some time.

Looks like 42 different beer styles and 3 ciders.

36 for me.

I always thought there were only 2 styles: light and dark. ;D
Going through the list I realized I’d brewed a lot more than I ever imagined.  46 including ciders and mead.  I haven’t done any strong ales that I can remember, and I haven’t done any true fruit beers.  I’ve used fruit in Flanders red, and some brett beers, but no “normal” beers with fruit.

Wow, I knew I had brewed quite a few styles but after counting I discovered I have brewed 61 including a couple of ciders.

four or five. I brewed a really good chocolate porter/stout. Want to enter it into the Washington state fair, but I need to figure out what style it really is. If only I knew someone whose girlfriends uncle has been brewing for years… Oh wait, I just found out my girlfriends uncle has been brewing for years. Kaplah!

I voted 10-25…but most would be without any consultation to the guidelines, and practically accidental.  Since I don’t enter comps, the guidelines are pretty much irrelevant to me…the end result and the taste rules the day.

Brewing with style will always be more important than brewing to style.