Can You Volunteer to Judge NHC 1st Round?

I see this is coming up next month.  There is a first round comp reasonably close and I could use the judging experience.  Or is it by invitation only?

Look there for the closest site to you starting April 2.  If you’re a BJCP judge you’ll probably get an invitation.  If you’re not, you may be asked to steward if they can fill the roster with BJCP judges.

I would contact the organizer and volunteer to judge, it’s pretty rare for a comp to turn away judges.

Thanks, I wasn’t sure and didn’t see a call for judges link in the page I was looking at.  I’ve got to decide between Madison WI and Indianapolis IN, both are a fair piece from here.  WI has New Glarus.  I’ve decided to try and judge one contest every month or two just to get some experience.

Indy has a lot of very new breweries that are worth exploring.  The location of the judging is Sun King.  They’re growing by leaps and bounds.  Either would be a good time.

I hadn’t researched that possibility, will give them both some more thought.  If I go to Indy we can visit with the in-laws in Champaign, since its on the way.

Here is a good start for Indy.  But Bier isn’t on there.  There may be others, too.

Hi Tom Sawyer,

You can volunteer to judge or steward in the National Homebrew Competition First Round competitions by contacting the organizer/judge coordinators found on the Volunteering page  I’m sure either of those two competitions would be glad to have you help out.


Thanks for the link, just waht I was looking for.  Now to decide on a venue.