NHC first round judging?

Is anyone planning to judge the first round this year?  The pre-call for judges message that I received mentioned that the judge director was looking to recruit 100 judges for the first round in Philly.


We encourage everyone to get involved with the competition; however, the judge/steward registration will not be available until next week at the earliest.  When entrants are randomly placed in the competitions, they will be able to volunteer by logging into their account.  If you are not an entrant, or if you wish to volunteer in a competition other than the one in which you are entered, the separate Judge/Steward registration form will be available next week as well.  Thanks!


So does that mean you can’t send your beers to a region where you want to judge during the first round?

Most people choose the closest site so the shipping is the shortest or they can drop them off.  That is almost always the most convenient/only viable place they can judge.

Historically it has been allowed to judge in other categories, just not the ones you are entered in.  If this is the rule and it applies across the both rounds, there is going to be a big problem getting judges for the finals.


Doubtful, Mac. But I’m sure Janis will have an answer to you soon.

Have the judging dates for each of the sites been announced yet?  If so, where can I find them?

Hi Mac,

As with any competition that you have entered and also are volunteering to judge, you may not judge or steward any category in which you have an entry.

In the Final Round, a large number of BJCP-certified judges attend the conference, and we do not have very many problems getting enough highly qualified judges to volunteer.


Hi WV Brewer,

The competitions are all registered with the BJCP, and can be found on the BJCP Competition Calendar.  The AHA Calendar also lists the judging locations and dates, since it is a direct RSS-feed from the BJCP web site.


Thank you Janis.


I misinterpreted your initial post thinking that this year was different and that you couldn’t judge at the site your beers were sent (competition vs category).

Thanks for the clarification.  I’m trying to do both this year.


Excellent, same here. Good question!

I wish.  Looks like the entrants will live without my terrible handwriting this year.  I’ve got a year to get my complaints ready when I don’t make it through the 2016 lottery.  ;D

I might try and make it if not traveling.

I can dream can’t I?

Sadly, I won’t be judging first round this year - not having it here in KC and other life events. I’ll be at the Finals though!

So… First Round volunteers get preference in the next year’s competition. What about Final Round volunteers? I didn’t find specific language regarding that.

Yes, but sometimes dreams come true.  I am planning to sign up.  Do you have any hotel recommendations?

I don’t since I don’t live in that area.  Try giving Keystone Homebrew a call, they could recommend something.

I posted this in the other thread before I saw this thread… but here is my dilemma…

Trying to figure out what to judge.  All of the reasonable driving distance NHC 1st round sites are being judged the same day.  One of my favorite competitions of the year is being judged the same day (GLIntCAP)… but they have changed and are no longer BJCP sanctioned for some reason… Decisions decisions…

I will be judging at the final round though… so I dunno.

The Roadway Inn in Montgomeryville is worth every one of its one star rating [emoji53] , but it’s affordable and really close.  Last year we stayed at the Homewood Suites in Lansdale (about 5 miles away).  It is much nicer, and we had a 2-room suite with a fold-out in the living room.

We can use more judges up here in Seattle.  Only 48 have signed up so far.
Not sure where everyone is hiding.

