Cane sugar added incorrectly

I forgot to add my cane sugar to the last five minutes of the boil while brewing an Imperial IPA (APV 9.4) I realized the mistake to late and then added it after the wort was already starting to cool. I hoped for the best and put it into my primary fermenter and pitched the yeast. The fermenting process seems to be going along fine. My airlock is bubbling ok. What should I expect at this point ? Did I really screw up the process?

Thanks for any and all input.

It will be completely fine

I always add sugars at the beginning of the boil so I don’t forget them.

The yeast doesn’t care what time you add the sugar.  They’ll eat it either way.  Cheers.

I have poured sugar into beer at the end of fermentation with excellent results.

+1. Have also done it with (un)clumped DME too!

What is this wizardry of which you speak?

I’ve poured sugar directly into the fermenter with no issues.  It’s just sugar.  The yeast will eat it.

Keep it sealed and dry and it stays nice in the powder form. I have poured it into active fermentations before with no ill effects. In fact, I have placed in comps with beers having this addition. I didn’t believe it either until my buddy told me he tried it and I sampled his beer and thought it was good. Tried it out myself and was pleasantly surprised.
Not something I would recommend all the time, but in a pinch it can help you gain back those missing gravity points not made up in the kettle.

EDIT - I would only add it this way to an already active fermentation where the yeast have already taken hold
          of the wort.