Can't Decide What Brew Next

I usually plan out a couple batches at a time, at least what I am feeling like brewing at the time. Seems when I get around to brewing something I “felt” like brewing that has past and then I’m off thiking of something else. For a while now I have been wanting to brew a Kolsch and an Altbier. Well I brewed a Kolsch and that is gone, it was so good I want to brew it again in place of what I was going to brew next, the Altbier.

I also have a Pilsner on the brain as well as my Amber Lager. But I had planned on brewing me a Kolsch and Altbier this spring I have to keep to brewing the Altbier. The Pils and Amber Lager will most likely be on my to brew list next. Starting to think of a nice Cali Common thrown in there as well. I am really just thinking out lout, but I’m interested in hearing back how some of you plan things out?

I think the Altbier will be next, a friend of mine wants me to brew him a Kolsch after that. By that time I’ll be looking at early summer beers which will be the Pils and Amber Lager. In between all that I’ll probably throw in my Hoppy Wheat and an IPA. Just too many styles to brew, not enough time to brew. I like planning ahead, I just want them ALL right now. Gotta stick to my plan and go with the Altbier next.

Though I don’t follow it strictly, I generally use a brew calendar to keep my beers seasonal.

I kind of follow the seasons. Winter is easier to chill lagers to pitching temp, and 50F is less work on the old heat pad to control temp than 65F is. Spring I start moving toward Pale Ale, and this year some IPAs. Then as weather warms its Saison, then American Wild in the summer. Fall brings Stout and Amber, and we’re back to winter again

Im trying to line things up a bit better. I guess it would make sense to ferment lagers over the winter since I have my fermentation chamber in the garage. And easier to chill to Ale temps over the summer.

I find it really interesting that folks somehow have a tendency to get as far away from light lagers but then somehow go full circle back to really appreciate the Kolsches, Helleses, and Pilsners again.  It takes a while, but it almost always seems to happen at some point.

Myself included.

I’m really curious how a pale American lager might be if made with quality ingredients, as opposed to cheap ingredients.

I enjoy making them once in a while - they can be pretty good.  I just made one for a neighbor’s graduation party - adults only, obviously.

I’m thinking no adjunct, 1.050 from Bestmalz Pils, about 25 IBUs from Crystal, around 2.7 volumes. Would that qualify?

If say so. If an adjunct is wanted, some corn would be fine IMO. No rice.

For an adjunct/lightener, I like flaked rice, only because some think the corn is DMS.

Im kind of at that point right now. It started with the Kolsch I brewed recently. Im really intrigued to brew some lighter Ales and Lagers now that Im a bit more seasoned of a brewer than years ago. Especially after looking at pics of Pilsners and other German Lagers from WortHog and them other guys.

It’s called Helles/Pils/Dort. If you want flavor, then you’re outside the boundaries of the style already.

Having said that, I’ve had the same idea myself in the past - an “improved” Pale American-Style lager (although I never brewed it). I guess you need to pick what element of the style you want to keep. For me, it’s the crispness and ultra-high attenuation. I’d probably go 60% German Pils, 20% Munich, and 20% Rice, mashed long and low. About 18 IBU’s of noble hops. Shoot for 1.046 OG, 1.006 FG. You could use WY2007 if you want, although I’d be tempted to use a German lager yeast for a bit more flavor.

My pale lager is very similar to this idea. 85% Pils, 13% Vienna, 2% Melanoidin with 25 IBUs from sterling and crystal

Eric, I like this idea a lot and may get to it someday

I gotta admit, the Mr Beer “American Lite” kit that I souped up a bit and fermented with 34/70 turned out way better than expected. It has me wanting to take a crack at a more flavorful version like this.

Not to throw the thread back on topic but Im shooting for brewing the Altbier tomorrow. Ran to the LHBS yesterday and got everything I needed.

Sounds like a plan.