Carbonating a 1/2 gallon of cider

I accidentally carbonated a jug of cider a couple months ago and the fizz was really kinda nice. I have some cider fermenting right now and thinking about adding some honey to it and cap it off after I transfer it off the yeast. Would I just use something like this Priming Sugar Calculator and treat it like beer? I read that 2 - 3 volumes of CO2 is about right for cider so thought I’d start with .6oz of honey.

Also wondering if a 2 liter soda bottle would be suitable for holding up to the pressure? Maybe another idea? I think I got lucky last time. I don’t think the jugs this stuff comes in is the best idea for this.

A 2 liter soda bottle will be perfect for this, great idea.  And 0.6 oz honey is the right amount.  Go for it.  Enjoy!!  8)