A rather mundane APA. A bit thin. No head retention. Kegged a few days too soon as evidenced by a very faint hint of acetaldehyde. Certain it’s not infected. Bitterness is fine. Flavor not horrible. But even after a week at 15 psi / 65° then 24 hrs at 10psi 35°, almost no bubbles.
If I had to lay blame it was mashed too low and no body malt equals very thin and bubbles dissipate too quick.
I wouldn’t expect much from the 15lb/65F. At 65F you’d need like 30lbs to get 2 volumes of CO2. Now that it’s at 35, take it out and shake it. Works best if you can keep it connected to the CO2 while you do this. Shake until you hear the CO2 flow slow down. 5-10min.
You may be pleasantly surprised when you get that carbed up for a week or so. When I’m in need of some quicker “non shaking” carbonation, I’ll go 25-30lbs for a couple days. Then set it back down to the required amount.
I don’t know if you live anywhere close to in Indy. If you did I would just have to sample that! So I’ll just have to pour a glass here to enjoy your success with you!