I bottled my first brew 2 weeks ago and added sugar drops. I then capped them and put them in the fridge which I now know didn’t produce carbonation. Can I take them out of the fridge and let them sit for a few weeks hoping for carbonation?
Should be fine. Might take a little while for the yeasties to wake up.
Thanks Steve, I just took over the upstairs bathtub, it is now the aging bottle area.
I would turn the bottles upside down and then back a couple of times to make sure the yeast is in suspension. And keep the bottles around 68 degrees or so.
+1, rousing the yeast will wake them up a bit faster with the warmer temps. IMO, you can go 70-80 degrees for bottle conditioning with no ill effects but definitely higher than the mid to low 60’s or they’ll take forever!
Definitely a learning experience. A mere hiccup. Welcome to the hobby.
My go to spot is the closet where my water heater is. It maintains a steady 75 degrees year round. I get a good carb in about 2 weeks.
I always set mine on top of my computer desk or refrigerator – tends to be a little warmer in those places from the heat given off. Mid 70s to 80 F is fastest and not detrimental as long as you cool them off again as soon as they are fully carbonated.
Joe Sr. I was wondering about that, I turned half of them over yesterday and left the other half the same as a test, I’m going to do the rest. Thanks.
Duboman, Euge and DM, thanks for the insight. It’s a learning experience which is why I’m doing one gallon batches before I jump to anything larger.
It’s a constant learning experience and that’s the fun of this great hobby. Experimenting with new things and creating new beers is really the fun of it all. Once you get your process refined everything becomes easier!