Caribou Slobber with Windsor Ale yeast

Brewed Northern Brewers Caribou Slobber with Windsor Ale yeast. Never used Windsor before. I experimented with it to try for a higher FG of 1.013 to 1.014. Typical FG’s have been 1.011 to 1.012. Two days ago I checked the SG on the Caribou Slobber. SG was 1.019. This was after 14 days in the fermentor. Thought there could be a problem when the krausen fell after three days fermenting at 64° to 65°F.

Did some more reading about Windsor. Many reports of only achieving 61% attenuation. At least mine came out at 65%. Last night I added a 0.5 liter starter at high krausen of WY 1056. Estimated pitch of 144 billion cells. Within a couple of hours fermentation activity began. Still going this morning. Slow but steady. Sure hope it works. I’d be satisfied with 1.014 at this point.

Pretty sure the Cascade hop aroma will not stay in the beer. The yeast I used was harvested from the last Dead Ringer IPA.

I have used Windsor several times. High gravities are normal but that has never been a problem taste wise.

Windsor has low attenuation because there is a certain starch (I cannot recall the name of the starch) it cannot consume. However, that same starch is apparently not tastable and therefore the higher attenuation does not make the beer taste sweet.

I think you should have tried the beer before adding the 1056.

I had the same thought.  I sampled an 8 ounce glass.  I didn’t think carbonation would even make a difference to the very sweet finish.

It is maltotriose that Winsor can’t metabolize. Maltotriose kind of falls in the no-man’s land between sugars and dextrins. It does have some sweetness, but it’s a lot lower than most disaccharides. That’s why the higher FG’s from Winsor don’t necessarily lead to a significantly sweeter beer.