So I’m curious… I “made” some cedar wood cubes today, do I need to toast them? If so, how? I figure I wouldn’t want to do it too long because cedar seems to be so floral/aromatic. I wish to skip the toasting in its entirety, I just don’t know what the consequences would be…
My idea:I wanted to soak some cedar chunks in chardonnay and then put that on a heavy french saison. or some type of wild hoppy table beer.
Just in case you are not aware, the cedar they put in Cigar City beers is actually Spanish Mahogany. Real cedar may have too much resin to be good in a beer.
Hmm, wasn’t really aiming to clone anything from this brewery. Although I’ve had a “rare beer of the month 2x IPA on cedar” from this brewery. Any other examples you’re aware of?
I came up with the idea of this from local breweries aging things on cedar. Are people claiming to use cedar and its really not? I absolutely love the smell of cedar, i hope someone has experience with it!
I also love the smell of cedar, but have been advised by people with more experience not to use it in beer.
Why not try putting some in a glass of beer first to see how it would work or even in a liter plastic bottle with a Carbonator cap for a period of time.
It’s also a really good idea do make sure the specific species of cedar (which is a very general name used for several species) that you are using is not toxic in any way.
Epic two-time Sam Adams Longshot winner Rodney Kibzey has had success with a Spanish cedar IPA for years. Most recently at Widmer’s Collaborator contest. Maybe try reaching out to him for some advice?
The point I was making earlier is that Spanish cedar (the kind used in cigar boxes) is actually a type of mahogany, not the cedar that smells like cedar.
And there’s no trickery going on by brewers. All Spanish cedar is mahogany. It is sold as Spanish cedar as a trade name because, well obviously it smells like cedar.
I heard my name. :-) Thanks Anthony. Yes, Spanish Cedar wood smells amazing, and also works great in beers. DO NOT using cedar from cigar boxes!!! Spanish Cedar wood adds that aroma of a Cedar closest, and also imparts a Spicy Woody Pepper notes to the beer flavor. I’ve mostly used the wood in Hoppy beers, but could be interesting to try with other styles, just as long as the base style doesn’t over power the wood. The wood is added in the secondary, and can also be add in the keg for furthering a bigger wood flavor. Good Luck!
Cedrela odorata is a tropical plant from Central and S. America also known as Spanish Cedar, or Cigar Box Cedar. Among other things it is used to make boxes to store clothing as it contains resinous compounds that repel insects.
How it would taste in beer or how it would affect humans I have no clue. But I would advise you to make sure you know exactly what plant material you are dealing with and how it might affect you.