Cherry saison?

What do you guys think about using sour cherries in a saison?  Yesterday I made 10 gals of saison.  It was:
14 lbs Pils
2 lbs Light Munich
2 lbs Wheat
1 lbs brown sugar
4 oz black patent malt added at sparge
1 oz Magnum
1 oz EKG at flameout
WY3711 - big pitch from last batch
OG was way higher than I expected at 1.070 (I probably measured my water wrong because that’s 96% efficiency and I’m not that good).

I added the black patent because I was trying for a “red” saison.  Just playing around mostly.  But, last night I got thinking.  What would happen if I added 5 lbs of sour cherries to one of the 5 gal pails and pitched a tube of Brett as well.  I have some WLP670 coming so I may also make a starter with that, pitch it for a different beer and then re-use the container to jug to build it up again and pitch that.

Would the spicyness of the saison match the cherries?  Would the saison/cherry/brett character be good/bad?  My thoughts is with such a high alcohol beer (assuming this will finish around 8%), I will bottle this into 750’s and put them away for 3-6 months to allow the Brett to work it’s magic.

I haven’t done it with actual sour cherries since they’re not exactly local to my locale, but I have goosed a saison with this stuff - King Orchards Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate.

It’s a pretty good effect. Don’t know if you need the Brett, but what the heck!

Thanks Drew.  Or the other way to look at it is…are the cherries necessary?  Maybe just saison and then add brett.  Sort of something like.

Deifnitely not necessary… done quite a few Brett Saisons. Cherries are nice though

Brett saisons are tasty. Add sour cherries… Now that sounds intriguing. I say go for it.

BM-45 throws big cherry flavors. It doesn’t ferment maltotriose well, so you’d want to use it for only part of the ferment.

How much did you use?

Been a while, but I believe it was a pint.

BM-45?  I’ve not heard of this one.  New strain?

I hope BM doesn’t mean bowel movement.

Sent from the future…

BM-45 is a wine strain. It’s been around for a while. Used to be (or still is) a Lallemand strain but it’s not super easy to find anymore. It doesn’t come in the typical Lallamand homebrewer-sized packets. Not sure who packaged it, but I got it at Midwest.

I’ve got a Belgian dark strong fermenting with BM-45 and B. lambicus right now. The hydro samples are a full-on cherry assault on my nose. I think a split ferment, maybe half and half and blending to taste would be the way I’d go if I wanted a balanced cherry flavor/aroma.

It’s a slow starter and has high nitrogen needs, so it’s kind of crap for a wine yeast, but does pretty well in wort once it picks up speed.

Schlafly brewed a saison with black cherries a while back and it was great.  I don’t know the yeast they used but it was very much a saison, with cherry flavor and a deep red color, i.e. not a fruit beer that tasted like a saison.  It was quite good, I picked up a growler of it when I left.  So based on that, I say go for it.  :slight_smile:

Cherries and brett are wonderful in saison.  I did a split off my lime saison with sour cherries and brett lamb and it was and still is stellar.  I called it cherry limeade.  Fantastic stuff.