Chest freezer cleaner odor

My chest freezer was getting a little ripe so I cleaned it out and sprayed the insides with lysol spray and now my chest freezer reeks heavily of lysol, I left the door open to air it out but still very strong lysol odor, can this get into a sealed fermenter in any way?

i always put baking soda on a flat plate in fridges and give it a few days, it might work.

Tha baking soda thing is a good idea.  Or you can put a fan in there to push fresh air inside and drive out the lysol odor.

I put some Damp Rid in my keezer to keep the moisture down and thus eliminate things from growing in there that could contribute to nasty odors.  Earlier this summer, I took all of the kegs out of the keezer because there was crud and rust starting to grow in there (it’s an older freezer that had a metal lining rather than the plastic they use to line them nowadays).  I cleaned it thoroughly, sprayed it with Rustoleum and then coated it with Flex Seal spray.  Looked like new when I was finished and had to wait a couple days for the odor to clear.  Highly recommend that if you do this to have good ventilation since the fumes from the Rustoleum and he Flex Seal are pretty obnoxious and can be toxic.

A while back someone on this forum mentioned that you could buy a small dehumidifier unit that you could put in the keezer to keep the moisture down which would eliminate bacterial growth, but I never tried that.  You might find it if you search the archives.

activated charcoal would work too.

I had a similar issue with my first keezer.  I picked it up off craigslist really cheap, but it was used as a bait freezer by the previous owner.  Needless to say I used about a bathtub full of bleach to clean out the inside and it left behind an odor.  I just left it open for a few days to air out naturally, then threw in one of these: and let it work its magic.  Eventually the odor went away, but even before it fully dissipated, I was much happier to smell bleach rather than bunker when I opened it up.

I wouldn’t worry about the lysol scent getting into the beer.