Chocolate Cherry Stout

I cannot seem to find a good recipe for Chocolate Cherry Stout. I want to use real chocolate and real cherries and the recipes I’m finding all use cherry extract. I would just wing it and start with a good stout but I’m not sure what a good balance of chocolate and cherries is.

I’ve used a basic stout base recipe and added 6.6 pounds (2 cans) of cherry puree to primary and 8oz cocoa powder to boil.  Then add more to taste after primary fermentation.

Well despite following the recipe in Brewing Classic styles, - using the puree/cocoa powder, I got very little chocolate or  cherry flavo.  I added more cocoa powder and 3.3# of puree in secondary.  Nothing.  So have a fruit fortified, good for our health porter.  Not bad, and I won’t get scurvy!.

I’m going to play around with some choc/cherry extracts, but leery as they can make stuff taste like cough syrup.

FolkI know used maraschino cherry juice, grenadine, and creme de cocoa to get both elements in their stout.

I’m doing a re-brew after some experimenting and will report back in.