Do you have a Christmas stash? Throughout the year, I buy beers to be cellared and enjoyed around the holidays. They are usually, but not always bombers. Here’s what I have so far this year…
Yep. Every year. Some of these are from last year and the year before that and so on… it can be tough deciding on the right time to crack a bottle of DL. Certainly I need more than just me around! Most of the hording comes from me not wanting to tackle a high abv bomber solo.
I wish that I could land some Three Floyds. I went to a place yesterday that had Dreadnaught listed on their online taplist. I got there and they told me it was gone in less than two hours.
Yeah, sometimes a bomber is too much for yourself. But that’s not where my idea of the Christmas stash originated. It started back in the college days and it wasn’t with beer :
I have recently come to terms with the fact that I am a beer hoarder. Once I designate a beer to the cellar, I never want to open it, even once it has likely gone well past its prime. I have doppelbocks that are over 10 years old that are well overdue to get consumed and/or dumped. I really should start using Xmas as an excuse…
Nice looking ‘stashes’ from all. JT, you did well getting your hands on those 3Floyds beers. I need to get to Dark Lord Day next year. Pricey, tasty stuff. Behemoth is terrific as well.
I’ve only been once, the bottle shown is the last of the score from that trip. Great time, I need to get out there again next year if I can score tickets.
Don’t drink that whole bottle of Rye-On-Rye in one night, you’ll have a hell of a hangover. Don’t know what causes it, but everyone I know agrees it’s terrible. :o :o :o