I bought a used kegerator a couple weeks ago; only the fridge part was in good shape so I shelled out for new lines, corny keg post couplers, regulator, shank, and a knock-off Perlick faucet from a reputable draft beer service company here in Denver. For background, I also bought a new stainless steel single-handle corny keg (one that ostensibly wasn’t every intended or used for soda). I ran Starsan sanitizer through the keg and out the tap, then filled up the keg and started carbonating. Over the next couple days I started taking some sample pours, and after the first pour I started noticing metallic flakes at the bottom of my glass. They continue in pours across separate days.
At first, I was worried the keg had not been cleaned sufficiently and that’s where they were coming from, but I bought a picnic tap and have ran several beers through it with no metallic flakes over a couple days, nor was there metal in the original beer lines. I disassembled the tower and faucet and noticed a metal burr in the faucet interior. Although the faucet is supposedly stainless steel, this looked suspect, so I took it back to the shop and traded up for a real Perlick. Clean looking stainless steel, no residue. So, I sanitize everything and hook back up, and pour. First glass is good, but by the second, more flakes! I took everything apart again, and noted that while the faucet is stainless, the shank they sold me is chrome plated brass. I did some googling about Starsan and chrome plated hardware, and sure enough, when I took the shank out of the sanitizer after a couple minutes, there was considerable plating fragments in the sanitizer solution and the inside of the shank looked to be corroded.
Obviously acid-based sanitizer doesn’t play well with the plating, but is this a reasonable occurrence with a NEW chrome-plated shank within the timeframe of minutes? It was in contact with the sanitizer (standard 1 oz. to 5 gallons) for several minutes but not overnight or anything. I’m just perplexed this isn’t a more common occurrence if it can happen so quickly. I definitely didn’t see any warnings in my research prior to buying everything. I am sure my choice of sanitizer contributed, but this seems like something a shop that deals with homebrewers should warn about if it’s such a problem. I don’t want to be a jerk though, especially if I’m wrong. Is this my fault?