Cleaning old taps

I’ve got a couple of old taps (standard, not perlick) that I plan to disassemble and rebuild (new gaskets, etc.).

They are chrome plated brass.  They look a little crusty on the inside.  Black-ish color on the brass.

What’s the best way to clean these up?  I was thinking of soaking them in starsan and then brushing them out with a bottle brush or something.

They’ve been sitting around for years and are pretty old.  I have no idea how they were treated at the place the came from.

The crust (such as it is) doesn’t look like beerstone.  But maybe it is?

Maybe hot long soak in PBW first?

Thought about that too.  I’ll try to do it tonight.

They kinda grossed me out when I opened them.

I bet a good hot soak and they will shine again. If they are really stubborn maybe try Barkeepers friend?

Hadn’t thought of BKF.

What do you think that might do to the chrome?

Well, they were free so what harm can come of it?

Joe, just FWIW. Aside from the fact that I was ready to break my chrome taps off at the base and stomp on them from all the sticking, I read several references at the time to chrome faucets not being a good idea with sour or other low pH beers, because the acidity eats away at SOME chrome finishes, slowly dissolving it (into us?) . My SOP has always been to run just sub-boiling water through the keg and faucet, then run Star San through, so assuming this is true, the Star San was maybe the wrong thing altogether with chrome. Hope the info was overstated.

Jesus!  So, uh, no chrome taps then maybe?  Wow.

These are just for the outdoor rolling party bar. It will get used a couple times a year.

I’m not worried about sticking. And I dont plan to run sours through them

But maybe I’ll stay away from starsan.

I hope that isn’t true. I use StarSan like the guy in Big Fat Greek Wedding used Windex. It’s my cure for stubborn stains, aching joints and the common cold.


would initial cleaning with oxyclean be worth trying?

They’re soaking in some oxy clean right now.  There’s a fair bit of crust that has come loose.  I need to rinse them off and take a brush to them to see what else I can knock off.