I’ve got an all-citra IPA in primary right now. Someone suggested to me that I rack half of the batch on to some mango. Does anyone have any experience with this? Since citra already has kind of a mango flavor, would the real mango even be noticeable?
You know its funny but I happen to know a Wes who was brewing with citra last weekend, and was talking about brewing with mango at the last club meet. Man, what a coincidence. Small world huh…
Sounds like a worthy experiment. I say go for it!
Interesting idea…I’d be curious to learn how it works out.
Depends on your recipe.
I find Citra does give a great tropical fruit flavor and aroma, so if you used a significant amount as flavor and aroma additions, and/or aroma steeping after flameout, I’d be expecting a lot of flavor and aroma already from the Citra hops.
Your split batch idea is the only way to tell if the fresh mango in secondary will make a difference or not.
If he’s friends with a guy like you, I really question a lot of things about him. ;D
Well, I cubed up some mangos and have them in the freezer now. I’ll transfer to secondary on Thursday. Probably do two gallons or so with the mango and the rest by itself. We’ll see how the side-by-side comes out. Thanks.
I find Citra’s flavor and aroma come out 10x more when whole hops are used. Although I have never tried the pellets, only the fresh/whole stuff. Sometimes the whole/fresh stuff can be hard to find but well worth it ,IMO.
PS: how did it turn out??