I’m curious to know how you guys that brew larger (10+ gal) batches clean your kettles. Do you drag it over to your utility sink and scrub it out? Use some nifty CIP apparatus to recirculate PBW through it? Or…?
I’m looking at upgrading my brewery to 10 gallon batches, and will probably go with a converted 15 gallon keg as my kettle. I could just carry it over to my sink and clean it there, but if I can clean it easily without having to move it, I wouldn’t need to worry about damaging the thermometer, dropping it on my foot, etc.
My “Clean in place” is a stool, scrubbie and a hose. If I burn anything on the bottom, I use some PBW overnight and then drain, scrub and rinse.
Once you get large equipment, you almost have to put it somewhere with a floor drain, or in the garage to drain outside. Having a drain is key to cleaning up messes and keeping the brewday simple.
I thought about doing something fancy, with a CIP, but the time, cost and effort was just to much. This being the boil kettle, close will do, so no need to be overly meticulus or fancy!
I use a 15.5 gallon converted keg as my kettle. To clean, I take it to the sink or clean it outside using a little bit of Barkeeper’s Friend and some elbow grease. Haven’t had any issues with damaging my thermometer or ball valve yet. Do you plan to have your kettle mounted on a stand?
I’ve got a converted keg too, but brew in my driveway. When I’m done I just hose it out and scrub it with a blue scrubbie. When it looks grungy I fill it with pbw overnight.
I wish I had a floor drain with a sediment trap but…I brew in my garage and clean out on a patio adjacent to the garage with a garden hose and a scrubby. Not the most excithing part of the process but necessary nonetheless.
We moved into a new house last fall with a double attached garage, which included a floor drain. Then I also added hot and cold taps out there (didn’t both with a sink, but put a big one in the basement where I ferment, transfer, store, etc).