Clear Weizen beer?

Not sure why, but it seems like my weizen beers always turn out clear. Here are the details…

Wheat- Dingemans,  5 lb
Lager Malt-6 Row Briess,  5 lb
Saaz-Pellet, 0.25 oz, 120 min
Perle-Pellet, 0.4 oz, 30 min

Step mash, 133° for 15 min, direct heat to 148° for 20 minutes, finally direct heat up to 155° for 30 minutes. o.g. 1.048, no filtering. After ~ a month or so in the keg, I get perfectly a clear weizen pour, and not much head retention either. Serving temp is about 45°, and I hand wash my beer glasses.

I thought weizens were supposed to be a bit cloudy!!! Thoughts?


bottle-condition and rouse the yeast before pouring.
Or just call it a Kristalweizen

I’d skip the rest at 133 and dough in at 111 for a ferulic acid rest then follow the rest of your schedule. The rest at 133 might be breaking down the proteins to clear up the beer. that said, a lot of the haze in a hefeweizen is from the yeast.

OTOH if you let it sit too long in the keg the yeast will start to drop out. Drink 'em up faster!  ;) Or blow some Co2 up through the dip tube. A lot of breweries store their wheat beer kegs upside down until they are served to keep 'em cloudy.

“Drink 'em up faster”! Now that is good advice!!!

Thanks for the tips!

I put about a 1/2 teaspoon per keg of cornstarch in the boil with about 5 minutes before flameout.  Just mix with a little cold water (to prevent clumps) and dump in.  The starch haze won’t go away.

Adding starch? A solution to be sure but the yeast are part of the flavor-profile. Give the keg a little wobble before you serve and that will kick up some yeast. A Cristal beer or Club-Weizen is pretty good though. Very refreshing.

I found adding some flaked wheat helps too…