Club Night booth pictures

So Ron tells me there are some interesting/crazy/themed club booths at club night. DUH is signed up for 2013. Does anyone have pictures they can post or link to from past conventions?

Is that a flat screen display for what’s on tap?


Was there a guy in tie dye playing a ukelele adorning that booth later in the evening. Or was I drinking?

I took a lot of pics on club night.  If I can find the time, I’d like to post some for all of your viewing pleasure.  I even have Denny’s booth with him behind the scenes pouring some Wee Shroomy.  :slight_smile:


Yes, I think this is true.


Yes to both!

I have quite a few. I’ll upload them once I get to my computer with the pictures.

Denny’s booth was probably my favorite in terms of sheer awesome-ness. There was one other booth that had hilarious beer names… Intense Cuddlin’ Belgian Blonde, Hug from Behind CDA, Dry Hump Saison, Not Puttin’ Out Pale. Oh, and they had a great Citra Galaxy Pale. :slight_smile:

Hilarious! Thanks! But what exactly am I seeing in that first one?

Performance art about the cult of homebrew.
I happened to be walking by when they handed me a plastic cup, which could have been kool-aid, everybody downed theirs and then they all collapsed onto the floor.

There are a couple of pictures of booths in here, along with other activities at the NHC. Note the costumes that tie in with the booth’s theme.